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Sans' POV:

*Few months ago...

i go over and do my daily job, to look out for humans.

i get deeper and deeper into the forest, and i realized i was lost.

it's okay, sans, i tell myself. just figure out where you are.

i keep walking straight, then i see an odd sight.

a huge door, in the deepest part of snowdin forest.

huh. i try opening it, but no budge.

wish i brought my knock-knock joke book.

whatever. not like i memorized it.

i should practice on my jokes.

so i practiced for a while. then i leave. gotta read paps his bedtime story after all.

i should come by here tomorrow.

i told that to myself every day once i leave the door.

one day though...

"Who is there?"

a female voice answers one of my knocks.

uhhh, what should i do?

i'll just try to crack 'er with a joke.

"dishes." i respond.

"Dishes who?"

"dishes a very bad joke."

then she just howls in laughter, like it's the best joke she's heard in a hundred years.

so i keep 'em coming.

and she keeps laughing.

she's the best audience i've ever had.

after a dozen of them, she knocks and says, "Knock-knock!"

i ask, "who's there?"

"Old lady!"

"old lady who?"

"Oh! I did not know you could yodel!"


i burst out laughing. this woman is extremely good.

we keep telling each other jokes.


"who's there?"


"nana who?"

"Nana your business!"

for hours.

i notice the sky getting darker than usual.

"oh," i sigh, "i gotta... make a home run. paps is expecting me."

"Who's Paps?" she asks.

oh, right.

"um, i meant my bro papyrus. he gets cranky without a bedtime story." i explain.

"Ah, alright. Good night then. Please come again tomorrow."

"i will." i swear to her.

so that's what i did everyday now. i come by the door, tell each other jokes.

it rules.

*Few days later...

"knock-knock!" i knock on her door.

"Who is there?"

"a broken pencil."

"A broken pencil who?"

"never mind. it's pointless."

"H-heh... H-heh..."


she's not laughing.

i knock on the door gently. "hey, what's up?"

i hear sobbing. and sniffing. and shaking of breath.

is she... crying?

"If... If a human... Comes through this door..." She says, "Could you p-please... Please promise me something? Watch over them... And protect them... Will you not?"


protect... a human?

great... i hate making promises now.

i don't even know her name.

but... for someone who sincerely likes bad jokes...

"i promise."

... has an integrity you can't say no to.

*Present day.

it's now been two months.

two months since i broke that promise.

i've killed one human now.

and took their soul.

i'm sorry... old lady...

i don't deserve anyone's mercy.

but my brother was so pleased.

now that we've progressed so much.

i should be happy since my brother is happy.

but why aren't i...?

Tale of Evil (Undertale AU) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now