Chapter 65

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Cally's pov

All of us stared at Chuck for a short moment, "you're serious?" I asked, on which Chuck responded by nodding furiously.
     "She is!"
     "I'm gonna talk with the Shank." Alby stated, "Newt? You commin'?" Newt nodded. Alby walked back to the Homestead, signing Newt to follow. Newt let go of my hand, walking after our leader, but almost immediately, I jogged after them.
     "I'm coming too." I stated as I caught up to the two.
     "No, you're not. You've already caused enough trouble. We go talk to the Greenie. You stay put." Alby growled without even looking at me. That was it, I already had him attack me this morning, and now he talked to me like that? I had Enough.
     "Um, first of all, rude. Second, I'm a Med-jack. It's my job to look after the sick and wounded Gladers. And third, who do you think she'd rather talk to? A guy who looks like he's gonna rip off her head for existing or the only other shuck girl in this place!"
     As I finished my sentence, Alby stopped walking, quickly turning to me. Towering over me in his full length, if looks could kill, I would be dead. But I didn't care. A few hours ago, I would've been terrified right now, but I wasn't. I was angry, and somehow, it made me forget my fear.
     "Listen up, I don't give a klunk that you're a Med-jack. And I don't give a klunk about what she wants! We are going up there, and you are not!"
     I glared at him, "Why not?"
     "Because I'm the leader, and I say so!" Alby snapped at me, but I didn't back down just yet.
     "Ha! That's an excellent argument! Well done. You know what? You convinced me, ow superior leader." The sarcasm spat from my words, which of course didn't go unnoticed.
     Alby groaned, pressing his hands against his head in frustration before he let them fall down again. "Just shut it before I-"
     "Before you what?" I interrupted him, "before you hit me? Are you gonna hit me? You gonna do that, Alby? Break the rules? Hu? I'm pretty sure you would've done so this morning if Newt and Ezra hadn't shown up. You gonna try again?"
     At that point, Newt jumped in between, "Both just stop!" He bit at us. "This is bloody pointless! Will you both just slim it already? No one is hitting anyone! You're acting like two bloody high school girls fighting over a pair of shoes! All of us are going to talk to the girl. And you two are going to act bloody normal to each other!" Newt took a deep breath and continued in a softer voice, "we don't need this."
     Alby and I were both a little taken back by Newt's outburst, but we didn't question him. We knew he was right, so we just shut our mouths.
     "Great," Newt said after seeing we had stopped. "Now let's get a move on, shall we?" Alby and I shot each other another look before silently following Newt further to the Homestead.

The moment we reached the building, we had to push our way through the group of guys who were all eager to see the new girl awake this time. It didn't take long before Alby had enough. "Hey, Slintheads! Get your butts out of here! If I see any of you bothering the new girl, I'll throw you off the Cliff myself! Understood?" The group of Gladers got the message, the ones closest to the exit of the Homestead left the building, while others went back to the kitchen or their rooms.
     "Finally," I mumbled as we were able to normally walk up the stairs.
     I was really excited to be able to talk to the girl. Teresa. I had been alone with all those guys for way too long, I needed another female around. Of course, there is Bark, but that's not exactly the same.
    As we walked closer to the Med-room, I really hoped that she wasn't some manipulative bitch as some girls I knew in school. Because even though we were the only two girls in here, I wasn't going to be friends with someone I can't stand.
     Right before the door that led to the M.R., Newt turned around, looking at Alby and me. "You're gonna act like bloody adults, good that?" I had to suppress the urge to roll my eyes. Of course I wasn't mad at Newt, he's my best friend, but I admit that I was getting a little annoyed.
     "Of course," I answered as sweet as possible, while Alby nodded his head in agreement. Newt nodded once in response, turning back to the door and walking into the Med-room, the two of us following. Only when I looked around, the only person I saw was Jeff.
     "Where's the girl?" Alby asked him.
     Jeff rubbed the back of his neck, answering with some trace of panic in his voice, "I don't know! One moment she was here and the next the shank had just disappeared!" I narrowed my eyes, not believing Jeff's story, but that didn't matter right now.
     "How long ago?" Newt asked. 
     "Less then five minutes."
     Newt and Alby nodded, "she can't be far, let's go find her." Alby said, walking out of the room in a quick pace, followed by Newt, Jeff and me. The moment we left the Homestead, we looked around us, hoping to see the girl somewhere, but of course we didn't.
     "Not this again," I heard Alby mumble, making a small smile appear on my face.
     "I hope we'll find her sooner than you, don't feel like searching all bloody night. Again." Newt commented while nudging my shoulder with his, a teasing smile on his face.
     My smile grew wider as I laughed shortly, "that would be unfortunate." 
     "Let's split up," Alby suggested, "we can cover more ground that way." I nodded in agreement and so did Newt.
     "I'll start by the Pens, Newt, you go to the gardens and Cally, you take the Deadheads. If any of us find her, whistle and the others will come. Understood?"
     Again, Newt and I nodded, "on it!" I said as I jogged off into the Deadheads, Bark on my heels.

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