••chapter twenty••

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Next Monday

A decathlon meeting was going to be held in the library after school, when the last bell of the day rang I dashed out of the classroom, eager to get to my locker and quickly explain to Cedric that I have to attend a decathlon meeting. We were paired up for a U.S History project, it was a presentation and essay, I suggested we work at my house simply because it's closer and I have all the materials needed.

Just as I closed my locker I see Cedric standing beside me. "So I have decathlon meeting, and I know we said to go to my house straight after school but-"

"You- you can go, I don't mind," Cedric quickly cut me off. "It's okay if you go, I'll just wait outside."

"You sure? Cause I feel guilty," I winced.

"You go ahead, I have to help Mr. Cobwell, and I was just about to tell you that- but you know," he shrugged, "anyways, I gotta go, good luck."

I waved to him with a smile as he walked away, and he waved back before disappearing when he turned the corner. I walk the opposite way and I saw Liz and Betty heading towards the principal's office, I wasn't close with them but we were friends.

"Hey, Liz, Betty," I greeted the two girls, I proceeded to ask what had happened, and Liz told me openly about how she was going to be moving schools, I can tell she was on the verge of tears.

There really wasn't much to hide considering the news on TV about Liz's dad, the Vulture, last Friday night after the dance, it must've been hell for Liz. In a way, I understand how it is to discover your mom or dad, or both, doing illegal activities.

I gave Liz a hug, to which she hugged back tightly and wished me the best for my sophomore year. The two girls continued their way down the hall, disappearing when they turned left at the trophy case.

"Hey," MJ appeared next to me, almost making me jump and swing my fists, luckily I didn't. "You coming to practice, right?"

"Of course, future president of the decathlon team is asking me, why would I decline," I teased her, making Michelle laugh in response.

"Thanks but there is no way Mr. Harrington is making me the head of decathlon," MJ replied dryly and linked her arm through mine. We walked down to the library and when we arrived I got a seat next to MJ, and waved to Cindy and Abe who had also gotten here early.

Soon, the rest of the team arrived and we were only waiting for Mr. Harrington, only a minute later he came in with the trophy that we've won at Decathlon Nationals.

"Congratulations, Decathlon Nationals champions," announced Mr. Harrington as he placed down the trophy, a round of applause circled the table. "I'm going to have to put this back in the trophy case soon, but just for motivation right now at this practice, I'm a little ahead of the game now but we will need a new team captain next year-"

I tapped MJ on the shoulder and gave her a small grin.

"-so I am appointing... Michelle." Mr. Harrington finished, and another round of applause circulated the table, with me clapping the loudest.

Michelle cleared her throat, making the clapping stop. "Uhm, thank you, my- my friends call me MJ."

"I thought you didn't have any friends," Ned piped up.

Michelle stayed silent for a moment, "I didn't."

Peter's phone buzzed and he picked it up, staring at the message for a bit before muttering to the team, "I gotta go..."

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