Chapter 66

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Cally's pov

The walk to the Slammer was silent. None of us said a word. I glanced over at Teresa a few times while we walked. Wondering what she was thinking, what she knew about this place, about everything. Of course, the chance that she didn't know anything was very big, but still, I couldn't help wondering.
     The moment we arrived at the Slammer, Billy opened the door while Jackson pushed her inside. They wanted to close the door again, but I kept it open.
     "I'm not done," I said while pushing the door open again so I could walk inside. "I'll let you Shanks know when to open the door again." I continued.
     The two closed the door, and I let my eyes fall on Teresa. She was standing  against one of the walls, her bright blue eyes pinned on me as well. "Sorry about... all that." I said, walking closer and gesturing her to sit down. There only was one chair in the Slammer, with one of the legs way shorter than the others, making me think it was done on purpose.
     "Are they always like that?" Teresa asked as she sat down on the ground. "Cuz if they are, I understand you're happy with another girl around." I knelt down in front of her, searching through my bag to find my small flashlight.
     "No, at least, Alby used to be more reasonable. He hasn't been himself for some time now." I checked her pupil reflexes, "eyes are fine..." I mumbled before continuing. "You're lucky, by the way. They wanted to banish me the first day I got here. You're just in the Slammer...."
     I trailed off, taking my bottle of water out of my bag, giving it to her. "Drink this." Teresa took the bottle, the moment the first water touched her lips, she started to choke it down.
     "Wow! Don't do that," I said as I pulled the bottle away from her lips. "Your body isn't used to it yet. Drink slowly, or you'll just throw it all back up."
     Teresa nodded, "what you mean with banish?" She asked before taking a sip from the bottle.
     "Putting someone in the Maze before the doors close... although I don't think that's an option anymore..." I mumbled, referring to the doors not closing tonight.
     I shook my head to get it back into focus, "Are you dizzy? Lightheaded?"
     Teresa nodded, "A bit lightheaded... how long have you been here?"
     I thought about it for a short moment, "Half a year? A bit longer than that. I kinda lost count." I reached in by bag again, this time taking out the apple I had been saving and handing it to her.
     "I'm not hungry," she said, but I insisted.
     "Just eat. Your body needs it right now." Hesitantly, she took the apple and bit in it.
     "The dark guy," she started with her mouth full, "the one that yelled so much, is he in charge?"
     I nodded my head, "That's Alby. The Shank's losing it if you ask me. Just don't tell him I said that. He'd probably kick me off the Cliff. He's not my biggest fan at the moment."
     Teresa snorted, "I noticed. What did you do to piss him off?"
     I sighed, shaking my head. "Existing," I joked, chuckling a little before continuing. "No, I'm not supposed to tell people this. But since you already heard parts of it, just like Thomas, Jeff and the two behind that door. I'm pretty sure the rumors will start sooner or later... anyway, I knew things, things others didn't know. Now those things are happening, and he blames me for it."
     Teresa squinted her eyes at me, taking another bite of the apple. "That's very specific," she said. The sarcasm in her voice made me chuckle.
     "I would explain more, but I don't have the time. If Alby catches me having a tea party with you instead of doing my job, I'm sure he won't hesitate to lock me up with you." 
     "I don't think your boyfriend would let that happen." Teresa said through an amused huff.
     After those words, I looked questioning at her, "What boyfriend?"
     Teresa chuckled, "The blonde guy? Kinda long, walks with a limp."
     The moment I understood who she meant, I shook my head, "Newt's not my boyfriend. Seriously, why do people keep saying that?"
     Teresa laughed at the annoyance in my voice, "Ow, I don't know. Maybe because you two keep whispering at each other, looking into each others eyes for way too long. Things like that kind of give the impression."
     I let out a dramatic sigh. "We don't do that. Besides, you've been awake for what? Two hours? You don't know shit about us. No offense."
     A smirk grew on her face, "So you don't have any kind of feelings for the guy?"
     Again, I sighed dramatically, "You know what? You need to be at least reach level 5 of friendship before you can get that kind of information."
     The smirk on Teresa's face turned into a small laugh, "Okay, Cally, what level am I on?"
     I chuckled, "we just met, but the fact that you're a girl, kicked Jeff in the nuts and climbed out of the window on the second floor, earned you some extra points, so I would say, level 1.5." We laughed as I stood up, knocking some dirt off my legs before helping Teresa up.
     "Are you experiencing any kind of pain right now?" I asked her, trying to get back to why I was in there in the first place.
     "My head a little, but that's about it."
     I nodded my head, "That's normal. I think. I'm sure it'll be over sooner than later." I started to walk a circle around her, trying to see if she had any injuries, which she hadn't.
     "Okay. I guess I'm done here." As I turned around to walk to the door, Teresa spoke up.
     "That's it?" revering to my examination.
     I turned to face her, shrugging in response, "Yeah, I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing after a shank wakes up from a buggin' coma. I don't think anyone here does. It just didn't feel right to lock you up without doing anything."
     "That's reassuring," Teresa mumbled.
     "Well, it's better than nothing. You just finish that apple, and you can keep the bottle.  I don't know when, but I'll make sure you get a blanket and food. Even though the second one is a given."
     The dark haired girl nodded, "Thanks." I wanted to walk away, but again, Teresa stopped me.
     "Could you do something else for me?" 
     "Depends on what it is." I responded, leaning against the wall, waiting for her to continue.
     "Could you piss off Alby?" Not expecting her to ask that, I couldn't help but laugh.
     The moment I had some more control over myself, I answered her question. "I would, but like I said, I don't feel like being locked up."
     Teresa shrugged, "That's a shame. If he did that, we'd be able to talk more."
     Now we both chuckled, "You've got a point there. But still no, I can't sit in here while my friends are out there, especially with the Grievers capable of walking in at any moment."
     Teresa frowned, "what's a Griever?"
     Oh yeah, of course, she doesn't know... I thought. "Grievers are the mechanic, hairy slug-like monsters that live in the Maze. Now the doors haven't closed, there's an opportunity that they'll get in the Glade at night... but don't worry. I actually think you're safer in here than we are out there." I said while knocking on the door three times.
     "I'm done!" I called out to the two Baggers on the other side. "See you later," I said while the door opened.
     "Later," Teresa responded before I left the Slammer, Billy closing the door behind me.

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