Yandere! Hoodie (Brian Thomas) x Fem. Reader

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Requested by AlishaDaWolf. Might be inspired.

Now I don't know much about Hoodie aside from his name being Brian Thomas. But I'll still try my best.

Y/n's POV
I'm a cheerful and friendly girl. Always so happy and looked perfect in front of people, especially with my "boyfriend". But when nobody's around we ignored eachother or showing a care for eachother. I always thought he was cheating on me and when I brought it up he ignored me or try to dodge it. One day, we caught up into a fight and eventually broke up. He was cheating on me, judging by his harsh words towards me. I cried in my room often, but at school I would try to find somewhere to cry. Sometimes, my friends would find me and comforted me. Well, the one who mostly comforts me is a guy named Brian Thomas. He's like a brother to me, always there for me. Well, awfully a coincidence I don't have a brother (hush, pretend you're the only child). He is my classmate too, sitting behind me on the second row in the second column. I sat at the very front row on the second column. He's also overprotective towards him,adding the factor that he'd be a fitting brother. He also always pulls out small pranks and throw out jokes that I would always laugh at. I think he's the most loveable friend to have!

Brian would often tell me that I need to find someone better than my ex. Someone who loves me entirely and who would never leave me. I would always get reminded and lets out a small cry. I knew he was just trying to comfort me, but I guess he just doesn't know how to. Yeah, he's a bit of a timid guy and a bit shy. He is very socially awkward and have hard times with conversations but I would always help him.

Nowadays, things have changed.
Brian would act strange around me and try to get my attention in class. And more often I felt being stalked and stared. It did creep me out so I would always just run home without looking back but it's tiring and frustrating. I told Brian and he just said "Probably just your imaginations, Y/n. You must've had a rough time in the past that impacts your present self." like it was nothing. It could be true, but I know I was stalked! But I decided not to bring it up anymore.

One day.
I was at my locker, switching school supplies that I need and closed it. As I turned around I saw my ex, Erin. "What do you want, Erin? You've hurted me enough." I scoffed at him. "Y/n, I just want to say I'm so sorry for hurting your feelings in the past. I realized that I've made a mistake to you. I shouldn't have broken up with you! I really shouldn't have. So if you're still looking for a boyfriend, can you please take me back?" he said in regret, bowing at the end. I honestly felt disgusted but I didn't want to cause a scene. I sighed and responded straightly "Sorry, but I don't want you back." as his head lifts up. "Please?" he begged. "No." "Please?" "No...!" "Please, Y/n! I really am sorry!" "No!-" I was cut off by grip on my wrist. It was Brian! "Shut up, she's my girl. Stay away from her!" he scoffed and took me to somewhere quiet.

"What was that all about?!" I yelled quietly, blushing red. "Eh, it was just to make him stay away from you... *mumbles* for now." "What was that on the last part?" "O-oh! N-nothing." he stutters, trying to keep his cool. "Okay." I said as I tilt my head slightly. "Thanks, though." I said, smiled and hugged him. He jumps a bit and hugs me back. We released eachother as the bell rang. "We should get going." "Yeah."

After school
I was returning all of my school supplies, when someone pins me against my locker. It was Erin. "The hell you want?! I already told you I don't want you back!" "But that Brian guy wouldn't mind if I take you back, right?" he said darkly. He grabs both of my wrists tightly, causing me to flinch in fear. I kick his knees and he fell down. "Why you?!" he used his current strength and punched my numb left leg with enough force to make me fell. It was a pretty loud thud so mostly everyone could hear it, even Brian. He ran up to me and picked me up bridal style and took me not to the infirmary, but to my home, laying me on my bed. He knows? Let's just say, one overprotective guy must accompany its friend to home. "I'll be back." "But h-" before I could finish, he left within a blink.

Brian's/Hoodie's POV
I teleported back to the school where Erin was left out. He was still on the floor, with a few people approached him. I decided NOT to be Brian anymore, but Hoodie.
I came out and stood in front of him. "Listen, punk. If you think you can get near to my girl again, you are sorely mistaken. I have given you a warning but you didn't listen." I pulled his hair and points a gun to his head and shot him. I shot him again in the head then in his heart. I dropped him and left to see my beloved Y/n.

Y/n's POV
I sat down on the bed, thinking of what just happened. Suddenly, yellow hooded man, coverred slightly in blood, came in front of me. I screamed for help but he pinned me onto my bed and put his hand on my mouth. "Shh! Don't scream, Y/n." his dark voice spoke. It is very familiar however. He took off his black mask with red small eyes and wide smile and revealed... Brian?! "Brian?! What the heck?! Why are you coverred in blood?!" I yelled worriedly. "What did you do?" I said calmly this time. "Y/n, I love you. That's what's going on." he states and kissed me after the sentence. I was shocked but it didn't answer my question. I tried to push him but it was vain as he grabbed both wrists and placed them between my head. He released and whisperred in my ear. "Y/n, I killed that bastard for you. I protected you, stalked you, and make you happier than any other girl in the world! You're my sunshine, my everything! It makes me so happy and calm seeing you. I'm annoyed as hell when I saw you were together with Erin. I love you, Y/n! And you're now mine~!"

Fuq this story sucks. Please req this one again! I don't want to change it because I still wanna see people's opinion on this one. Next is Jason the Toymaker!

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