Yandere! Puppeteer x Fem. Reader

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Requested by Yeeeeeno. Might be inspired.

Alright. Another Jonathan. I do like him buuuuut... it's a difficult one.

Y/n's POV
Once a dancer, forever a dancer, possibly.
But that has always been my dream to be a dancer.
I want to be able to dance beautifully like those artists.
However, my dream crushed when I suddenly fell and broke my ankle.
I had to use crutches after being be able to go home from the hospital.
It was then I lost all hope.
I became depressed and sad. Dancing has always been my dreams and even my parents are aware of it.
They tried to cheer me up with various of things that they think will make me happy. None of them really did work, though.

One point, I overheard my parents discussing about me transferring to another school. Luckily, there's a school for disabled people, with different extracurriculars for them to improve their skills. When I first heard it, I was anxious. Will anybody like me? I mean, my friends are in my old school and so won't I be alone?
When the day came, they told me about the whole new school. I expressed out my worry of having friends there and they assured that I'll gain friends there. At that moment my spirit slowly regains itself. I asked what kind of extracurriculars I could apply for and they told me there's a dance extracurricular for me. I became the jolly girl they once lost.

Now, back to present.
I enrolled to the dance extracurricular and practiced everyday, morning to the afternoon. Our teacher here is named Jonathan. He claims to be only 19 years old, so he's still a young teacher but very talented. He taught us and supported us throughout our hard times. Some girls even start developing crushes for the guy, since he's the youngest among the teachers in the school. I, myself, isn't all interested and only focused on reaching my dreams, as I see romance is just something to ruin my life. But that is maybe what he wants.

One point, I came early to the dance class and saw our 'charming' dance teacher sitting, drinking and reading a book. I looked away and make my way to the changing room. "Y/n, right?" he suddenly said. I jumped a bit and turned my direction to him. "Umm... yes. Is there anything you need?" I replied politely. "Could you tell me more of yourself?"
I was confused. Why would he want to know?
"Why do you care?" I scoffed. "You potentially can dance but... with that broken ankle, surely something did happen and it weakens your strength." he points out. "O-oh... uhmm... well.."

That I have yet to explain. I fell and then broke my ankle? More like someone pushed me roughly and made me fall and then my ankle broke, forcing me to use crutches. I definitely suspect it was a girl and is probably jealous because I'm hanging out with the 'most handsome kid' of my old school or bully me for fun. It may as well be both.
“It's a personal matter. I don't want you involved.” I scoffed. I didn't want to say anything to someone I barely knew. “Was it a girl? As your dance teacher, you can tell me anything.” he stood up. Is he trying to... do something with that information? His appearance looks suspicious already.
“Of course not. Just because you're my teacher, doesn't mean we're any close.” I pushed him away. He fell into silence for a second. “........ Is that so?” “Certainly. I just came early because I feel like it.”
“Oh my gosh! Is this b*tch trying to hook up on a teacher?! What a sl*t!” an annoying, bratty sound came from the door entrance. “Ayleen! Don't say such things to a student of your kind.” Mr. Jonathan defended. “Oh, wow. She even made him fell for her. That's way worse.” the other friend laughed. Annoying as sh*t.
“This sort of behaviour is unaccepted. You'll receive detention.” he crossed his arms as he said it sternly. “What?! No fair!” Ayleen, the one who spoke firstly, said. “It's your own fault for saying it. Now, come inside and wait for the others.” he said, still mad apparently. Why is he trying to protect me?
In the end, class went on normally. Until tomorrow came...

The next day, many students stared at me strangely. I was a little confused, uncomfortable. Heck I even heard gigglings from girls and boys. This felt even more worse when I placed my stuff inside the locker, I found a note saying “A disgusting sl*t like you shouldn't be faking their broken ankle like that”. It felt like my heart crushed. I tried to ran but I immediately fell. Some gasped, mostly laughed. Embarrassed, I got up and tried to ignore everything while reaching to class.
When I made it to class, people give me death glares, as if I'm unwanted. I feel so sad I just want to cry. “What's going on?” Mr. Jonathan came along. He saw me lowering my head and came over to me. “Y/n?! What's wrong?” he asked me. “Leave me alone! Not like you cared anyways!!” I yelled at him and immediately left. I can hear it faintly from him. “Anyone who does this will pay.”

Jonathan's POV
“Anyone who does this will pay.” I mumbled to myself. I tried to identify whoever did this and remembered Ayleen and Kaylea. I found them giggling over their phone. Something wasn't right about them.
For the rest of the day, I followed them. My main focus was Ayleen, since she cursed at Y/n. And I knew that my suspicions were correct.
They're the ones who spread the rumours. They took a photo of me and Y/n alone and made a caption to convince others that Y/n and I are a thing.

Oh and that's not the best part that I recorded.
I followed Ayleen behind the school and saw her removing bandages on one of her legs. It shocked me more that she faked her injury. But why?
So I took my revenge for Y/n and recorded everything, like what she did. I can feel the excitement. I can't wait to see Y/n's reactions!

The next day, Y/n came back thankfully and saw nobody was glaring at her or laughing at her. In fact, when Ayleen came, everyone distance themselves from her. Laughing, whispering, glaring at her. It felt satisfying, moreoverly on how confused she looked. She looks like a fool.
When she came to class, she noticed Kaylea isn't hanging around her anymore. Guess her sidekick left her. “What's going on?” Y/n confusingly asked. I grinned at my achievements. “Okay. What the heck is going on with your weird looks?!” the bratty noise fills the room. “Oh, bet'cha didn't check the recent news?” one of the students said.
“What is it!?” she immediately took out her phone and saw that her spreading rumours of Y/n and that she faked her injured leg. “W-what...? H-how was anyone able to find out?!” she asked, obviously frustrated. She growled, clenched her fists and immediately glared at Y/n who's also looking at the updates and fell to surprise. “Y/n L/n! You freaking did this, didn't you?!” she finger-pointed. “What?! What did I do??” “You stalked me didn't you? Recorded every bits of my secrets!” she yelled. “No I didn't! Hell I didn't know any of this.” she scoffed. “Just admit it, you liar!” “What proof do you have?! Do you think everyone will believe you after seeing this?” she smirked.
“So you admit... you did it?” “Like. I. said. You don't have any proof. How can you be so sure?”
“Because I hate you! I hate you with all my soul! You took Damian from me!! He was all mine... and now that he left I knew it was because of you! So I tried to get you back.” “So you knew I was gonna be here? That's a stalker move right there, Ayleen.”
“So you really don't remember me? I pushed you down so you'd feel ashamed! But Damian is still with you, and it pisses me off. Yeah, I knew that you'd be here.” she blurted everything without thinking. Everyone gasped in shock. Realizing on what she have said, she panicked. “Ayleen.. you pushed me?!”
“Guys...? I-It's not what you think!!” she defended herself. “So you lied when you said you're the one getting bullied?!” Kaylea yelled at her. More and more shuns are flooding her ears until she left. She no longer came to this school and I was happy, even Y/n. I'm happy to see Y/n happy. I hope someday she'll be cured.

Hey, y'all! Sorry for the dead life of me. I've been unmotivated due to the unorganized schedules and school is killing me. I hope this is enough to make it up to you all! Again, I'm very sorry! :')
No pics this time, sorry! I couldn't find any good ones. :(

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