Yandere! Slenderbrothers x Fem. Reader

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Requested by Blehnoob. Might be inspired.

Another Slenderbrothers? Hmm...
How will I do this? :0

Y/n's POV

A lonely life...

It's what I've been through previously.

My parents was gone. Disappeared without a trace...

Luckily at that time, a friend of mine, Slender, was there.

Maybe because of my friendship with Slender caused them to disappear? I mean, they are usually afraid of me talking to Slender because it looked like I was talking to myself.

I have been so lonely...

But not anymore.


Casually playing with Splendor in our little shelter. It was very comfortable. The day where Slender took me in was the most happiest thing that could ever happen to me! I wasn't alone anymore. Splendor would always treat me like I'm his brother or a father perhaps. Offender here... well... let's just say he treats me like his 'lover' or something. Slender treats me like he's my teacher, and Trender just treats me like a motherly figure. I have funny types of people around me to take care of me. Who knows they'd be this caring. I mean, people see them as dangerous creatures who kills humans for their own satisfactions, their wishes, their biddings, their orders. A lot of words to describe their cruelty in society. To me, however, was completely the opposite. They're like my family, a new family who'd never leave me alone anymore. They loved me...

Loved me...?

"Y/n, are you alright?" Splendor said. I snapped out of it and turn to Splendor. "O-Oh, I'm fine... really." I stutterred. "Well if there's something bothering your mind, you can tell me anything! I'm all open ears." he said. I smiled and shook my head. "I'm seriously fine, Splendor." I insisted. "If you say so, Y/n dear." "Know we are all open ears for your problems, dear." Slender spoke behind me. "Most certainly. We will treat you with care and love." Trender added. I smiled warmly at them and nodded. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate it." I replied. I guess these are really my family.

But their definition of love is... vague and ambiguous. They treated me with care and love, but what kind of love do they share to me?

That's when I realize their definition of love is a dangerous one. A definition that can cause humans to suffer

One day...

I walked around alone in the forest while waiting for Splendor to finish making us breakfast. I hummed a song as I walked around peacefully, looking at the plants and animals there. Seeing the animals reminded me on how Splendor tried to bring a dog to our home but Slender just declines it and demands it to be removed. He kept pleading until Slender decided to take it out himself with disgust. It was pretty hilarious to me. Suddenly, I heard a few heavy footsteps. I hid under a bush near a tree and peek a little. I saw a few police officers along with familiar faces that I can hardly remember. I know they're very familiar! I just do. Those police officers are armed with rifles and other strange equipments. "Are you sure your daughter ran into this forest, m'am?" "I am sure. I've saw her being taken away by a figure. Tall, slender (lmao pun again!), faceless and featureless figure. He took my daughter here!" the woman cried. It stung my head badly. Is that my parents? Why're they looking for me? Didn't they abandoned me. No, I refuse to believe it. I carefully stood up and ran back to the shelter.

"Guys! I need your help." I said in panic. "Whoa, chill down, darling. Tell us what's wrong calmly." "I saw a few officers and two familiar faces. They're looking for me. I think they're my parents who left me..." I said. The rest of the brothers stepped in. Seems like they've heard me. "Where are they now?" Splendor growled. "Nearby, I think... they're still looking for me." I replied. "Splendor, can you check?" "Alright." he replied and look out the window. "Are those the one you mentioned?" "Yes..." I said. "Prepare yourselves, brothers. Splendor and Offender, you two keep Y/n safe. Me and Trender will handle this alone." Slender ordered. All of us nodded and begin to act. "What will they do?" "Shh... calm down. Everything will be fine." Splendor responds.


"That's him!! I told you he was real!" the female screamed. "Silence, you insolent mortal. What is your desire here?" Slender growled. "You took our daughter away!" "And who might that be?" "Y/n L/n! It matched with the police report a few years ago." "We do not take your daughter away, we are simply keeping her safe. We can say that because we would never abandon her." Trender said. It made the female crack into tears, while the men are preparing their shots. They shoot at them without hesitation but they seem invulnurable to the shots. They then shoot out their tentacles and thrust through their hearts. I was surprised by this. I'd never imagine that they would kill people. "Please makes sure there are no more officers while I dispose of the bodies." "Right." Trender nodded and left. I begin to crack into tears. They are seriously my parents that left me. I have so many questions to ask from them, too. Like why did they leave me. I began to get scared and jumped out of Splendor's embrace. I ran to my room and cried, curled up into a ball. I was afraid of them now. What if they were deceiving me the whole time and plan to kill me now? But... they would've killed me long ago... but then they probably plan to gain my trust. Splendor, Offender, and Slender came in. Splendor pats my head and stroke my hair. "What's wrong, Y/n...?" "You... guys... kill people...! I-I..." "Shh... calm down. We won't hurt you. We would never and never will hurt you, we promise." Offender said. "But... you killed them...!" "We are protecting you from people who abandoned you. If we surrender you to them, imagine what will happen to you, dear." Slender calmly replied. I lifted my head and smiled in relief. Splendor picked me up as Offender wipe away my tears. "Coast is clear. No more officers or mortals around." Trender spoke out of nowhere. "Is Y/n alright?" "Very much fine. She witnessed us committing homicide. She was just afraid." Slender ensured. I was happy. I don't need other families, I just need them.

The Slenderbrothers.

Ayy! Finished! Took me days because I've been busy. But I probably won't be able to post anything for a bit so your reLmao, hope you enjoyed.

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