Yandere! Sally x Bullied! Lonely! Male Reader

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Requested by Articwolf158. Might be inspired.

Aaaaaaaahhh!!!! *squealing in adorableness intensifs* I seriously love Sally! She's just a sweet, fluffybun, cute cake! But this one is definitely older Sally. No pedophile allowed! >w<

Y/n's POV
I'm living a restricted life. What does it mean? It means I'm living under my parents' expectations.
You see, my family is a rich one. My father owns 2 companies while my mother just works as a bank manager. I have a little brother, Nichody. And because of the companies our father owns, the two of us are expected to be the next successor of the company and held the family heirloom. My brother is very perked up and works very hard to be the next successor. But me? I feel so restricted. I couldn't do anything I wanted. I couldn't feel the feeling of freedom. I feel like I'm in a prison.
Despite that kind of background, they enroll me in a normal high school. Not many rich people and not many poor people either. That'll be the only place I feel free. If only... I wasn't bullied for being the rich kid.
They despise me because they think I'm an arrogant, cocky, and a prideful attention seeker. Fortunately enough, it's only just words and not bruises that I got. It'd be a "shameful thing for a rich kid". Seriously, just let me live a peaceful life. I feel like I want to escape. Ugh, can't a man catch a break?

At homeroom...
"Settle down, students. Today we have a new student. Please come inside." our homeroom teacher exclaimed. I couldn't care any less. I just stayed quiet, surrounded by kids who ignored me and talked with other kids. I feel so lonely. Then a girl enterred our class. She had a long wavy brown hair with green eyes. I couldn't afford to care about her or anyone, but she does look like a nice girl. If only I'm confident enough to talk with others without worrying of being mocked. "Good morning, everyone! I'm Sally, Sally Williams. Nice to meet you!" she said cheerfully. She sounded so childish. Everyone thinks it's cute however. Their eyes sparkled and squealed silently in adore. I personally feel left out. "Splendid. Please sit at that empty seat." the teacher said. She nods happily and childishly walks towards my desk. I feel somewhat nervous. It's the first time someone is coming to my desk after all. I feel so shelterred. She then sits next me. People begin to glare at me and whisper about me. I feel self-conscious about her presence next to me. "Hello. What's your name?" she asked. I jumped a little. "O-Oh... Uhh... I'm Y/n..." I said nervously. "There's no need to be shy. Nice to meet you!" she exclaimed. I was surprised. It's the first time someone said that to me. Yeah, my first day of school don't have much of a good impression. I smiled at her. "Same here."

I slowly exit the classroom and ran towards the running track field with my lunch. I breathe heavily and sat down slowly. The reason is to avoid people. "Hey! Why did you ran?" a familiar voice caught up. It was Sally. She was chasing me all the way here. "Why're you here? The others are in the cafeteria, y'know." "I don't feel so welcomed there. People don't like me." I explained. She gave me a pity look and sat next to me. "Why though? You seem so nice to talk with." she said. "It's because I'm rich. People think I'm arrogant and likes to seek attention. I didn't bother explaining or complaining..." I explained. "Don't be like that! They'll keep doing that if you let it happen. At least tell the headmaster, I bet he'll listen." she suggested but I shook my head. She lowerred herself but perked up again. "Let me be your first friend! I'll protect you." she said. "Are you sure? What if they bully you too?" "Nah, the only thing that matters now is you." she said. I can't believe someone actually risked themselves to protect me. I felt so touched, I could probably cry from it. But I hold it in, anyway. "Thanks, Sally."

"Sally, why're you with that arrogant bastard? What if he tries to manipulate you?" question after question swarmed us. "Oh, shut up. You guys just judged him by his looks. He's actually a nice guy and that's why I'm with him." she sassed back. Yikes, that's a sharp mouth she have there. Everyone seems taken aback too and went silent. Some left, some feel guilty and some just glared at me then left. I feel so protected. I can't believe she managed to silent a pack of people.

At some point however...
I received my results. I got 93% as score. Looks like my parents will be scolding me for not getting 100%. "Ooh! 93%! Good job. I only got 87%." Sally said out of nowhere. "Eheh... thanks. But my parents won't be so proud of me..." I explained. She saddens. "Why?" "As a rich kid, my father owns 2 companies. Because of it, I have to live up on their expectations. They wanted me to be a perfectionist who does anything perfectly." I said, growling a little. She lowerred her head for a few minutes then perked up again. "Why don't you just escape?" "Where would I go?" I said. She was taken aback slightly then lowers her head a little. Looks like I've snapped. I sighed and pats her shoulder. "Sorry..." I said nervously. She lifts her head up and giggled. "You look cute when you're nervous." she teased. I chuckled lightly and rolled my eyes.

On my way exiting the school, it feels like the whole school is bullying me. They mocked me, said cruel things to me, even saying I should commit suicide. It was only a few people but it really rang in my ears. But I couldn't care any less. I just left.

"What's this?! 93%?? This must be a joke...!" my father yelled. I stayed silent, holding my anger. "Explain this now!" he yelled but I styed quiet. "Are you trying to challenge me?!" he yelled again but this time ending it with a punch to the face, causing me to fall onto the floor. "You disrespectful child! You should know that you'll be the successor of my company! How can you lead the company with this amount of grade?!" his voice boomed like a bomb exploded. I gritted my teeth, growling and mumbling under my breath. "I can't deal with you right now. You're grounded for 4 weeks. Go to your room." he scoffed. I stood up and went to my room. "I wish you weren't my child." he said as I walked passed him. My mother just glared at me in disappointment. I hate this life. I want to end it.

I locked the door and begin searching for anything I could use to end my life. Yes, I've been suicidal for a while. I couldn't afford to find a psychiatric to fix me nor anyone to help me cure this depression. I found a knife in my drawer. Perfect.
I pointed the knife towards my chest. I closed my eyes and begin to inhale and exhale. With a genuine smile on my face, I begin to thrust the knife towards my chest but stopped after hearing screams of agony. I was surprised, caused me to drop the knife. Then I heard blades slicing and blood gushing out. I carefully looked out the window on my door to identify the killer. Nobody's there. Everything went silent. I carefully unlock the door and open slightly. I scan the area and still nobody. I open the door widely and begin to make my way out but someone pulled my shirt, coverred my mouth and injected a syringe to my neck. I mumbled in pain. I tried to identify the owner of this bloody hand. It's somewhat familiar. "Hush, hush, now. I've found you." a familiar female voice sanged. Sally?? Why's she-- What's she trying to do to... me...?-
"Don't worry, you'll be fine with me. I'll protect you~!"

Oh no. No part 2 because it's long enough lmao. I'm proud of this ending. Hope you enjoyed it. UwU

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