Yandere! Eyeless Jack x Fem. Reader

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Requested by AkikoMiku. Might be inspired.

She decided the plot and I took it. Hope it's just the way you wanted it because I don't read minds like satoris.

Y/n's POV
I live normally before. A happy family and good friends surrounding me. They all cared about me and loved me entirely. It was one of the most happy moments in my life ever.

Now it all changed.

I don't remember ever crossing paths with a creepy figure with a blue mask that's oozing out black liquid (hope it's correct) but ever since then I've been receiving gifts and letters on my mailbox, front door, and even my school lockers. It was very creepy of this figure. The gifts were usually roses, chocolates, or anything normal like that. Of course my parents questioned me about this whole gifts and letters appearing in the same location over and over again. It has happened for about 3 weeks now. Now it begins to go gorey. This stalker, or this self-proclaimed secret admirer, start to gave me human body parts and organs, sometimes their blood. The limbs and organs have carvings on them, spelling out "I love you, Y/n~!" or anything similar. Previously I just throw it away without my parents knowing but soon I snapped and decided to report it to the authorities. The police investigated the organs and limbs and where it originated from but couldn't find any trace. They decided to send out fully-equipped bodyguards to protect me but then disappeared afterwards. The police gave up and only hoped that this stalking would stop. I was going crazy, panic and worry haunting my head and my heart. I could only feel paranoid and scared. Who would be his next victim?

In the end, I showed it to my friends and family. They supported me and helped me until the very end. My parents took me to a psychiatric to ensure I don't suffer any mental illness from these traumatic moments. Of course this whole thing hadn't stopped yet but it was definitely worth it. I was relieved when the doctor said I didn't suffer anything and there's nothing wrong with me. We just went home afterwards. But because of this continuous stalking and gift-sending, sometimes they'd send me to the psychiatric to check my condition.

One day...
I was casually switching school supplies from my locker. "Hey, Y/n. How are you?" a familiar make voice spoke. I turned to him and saw Nichos. He was my best friend since elementary school and he was really the kind of guy anyone would want to be friends with. "Hi, Nick. I'm good today, thanks. Luckily I don't suffer anything so all I can do is hope for this stalking to stop." "Find another letter or gift again in your locker?" "Yep, as expected. It's a pin of sort, shaped like a navy blue butterfly with beautiful patterns as detail to the pin. I had to admit, it's probably one of the most normal gifts I've ever get from this self-proclaimed 'secret admirer'." "Oh really? Don't you usually get normal gifts...?" "No... but I'd rather not talk about it. Let's just head to class."

We joked along our way. He is so funny that he's able to cheer me up with a good laugh. He was very kind, too kind even. Man, what did I do to deserve such a friend? At least I have such a friend anyway.
"Y/n?" "Yeah?" "Let's watch a movie together this evening! My treat." "Wow, what's this? It's been awhile since you treated me something." "Eh, you'll find out why eventually. At 18:00 PM, I've the tickets already so no need to worry." "Sure." I said. "Great! See ya later." he said and waved at me then left the school. I smiled at the thought and was super hyped. I began to leave the school grounds.

Time skip to 18:00
"Sorry I'm late!!" I said, pantibg between the words. He chuckled and patted my head. "It's alright. The movie hasn't started yet anyway. C'mon, let's get some snacks for the movie." "Alright! Popcorns!" I exclaimed happily. I wore a plain black shirt with white jeans and white strapped sandals. We went to the booth to get some drinks and popcorns. But then I get this stinging feeling of being watched by someone.

After the movie...
We stood in front of my house. He accompanied me home for safety. "Thanks for today. I had fun." "Me too, but there's something else." "What is it?" "I have feelings for you Y/n. I hope you can consider this." he explained, blushing a little. I smiled warmly as I blushed. "I love you too. You're the most kind person I've ever met, and nobody can replace you." I explained. He pulled me closer and kissed me gently.
"That's it! I've had enough of this patience!"
A male yelled. We separated away and I saw a man charging towards Nick at full speed. He lunged at him and begin to stab him endlessly. I gasped and backed away. It's all too sudden, I can't do anything.
Then Nick died. He had multiple stabs, almost countless. The navy blue masked man stood up and looked at me. Aware I was in danger, I turned around and run away. Without thinking I went into the woods near my house. I kept running without turning back. I suddenly stumbled on a branch. I fell down, causing my knee to bleed. I cried quietly as footsteps gotten closer. Then that man appeared. His mask was tilted, allowing me to see his awful creepy face. I backed away but he lunged at me anyway. He pinned me onto the ground. He pulled out his knife and pulled up my shirt. I cried louder but he kissed me as his knife carved something on my stomach. I wanted to scream but only came out as mumbles. My tears streaming more. He released me and smirked darkly, looking proud of his work. I cried more, I couldn't say anything. I was afraid what he'd do to me if I spoke back. "Yes... This is better... This'll tell everyone your MINE." he exclaimed. "Why did you do that...?!" I weakly said. He chuckled darkly and placed his hand on my cheek.
"Sweetheart, don't you realize how much I love you? Oh yeah, about that. Don't worry, you'll learn to love me too~. Because you're mine now~."

Dunno if you'll like it or not but here ya go. Hope you enjoyed it at least. :)

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