Yandere! Jeff the Killer x Fem. Reader x Yandere! Homicidal Liu

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Requested by JeffxReader. Might be inspired.

They asked that the two CPs dates Y/n altogether. I dunno how to do that man. It'll be possible if we're using ‘double date’ but at this rate we'll use the term ‘hanging out’.

Y/n's POV
I have two best friends. Their names are Jeff and Liu. They're actually brothers of sorts. They often argue with one another but they obviously get along very well. And each of these two individuals have their own uniqueness.
Jeff is sorta like a troublemaker. A carefree, hot-blooded, energetic, crazy, and extremely adventurous. He's like problematic child, but he's definitely fun to be with. Me and him often play together, and I get to see him rage quit the heck out of the game.
Liu, however, is a quiet one. He can be talkative and open sometimes but he's usually quiet and can be found sitting alone in his room reading books. But he really loves spending time with me and Jeff. Though very uninterested with games.
But if the three of us hangout together, well....
It was a chaos.
The two brothers would fight over me about who and what should we do. It's very exhausting to deal with. So then, we rarely go out anywhere.
But in the end, the three of us are still good friends.

We study at the same school. These two are obviously separated from eachother, making me just choose between the two or follow my own path. I usually just choose my own path because I didn't feel like being troubled. Especially with Jeff, no kidding.
He specifically a troublemaker at school, messing around with the teachers, ‘tease’ other students, causing lots of food fights, etc. It always gets his ass to detention. I know he should've learned from his mistakes, but I guess he's better off like a dumbass he is. Seriously, so enjoyable to have as a friend, really.
I'd mostly spend my time around Liu often. We always do peaceful things like reading books, doing homeworks,  etc. He's a diligent student and also my classmate. I really like it being around him too.

But then something happened.

At some point
“Hey, Y/n!” Jeff called enthusiastically. I turned around. “Hey. What's up?” “Wanna hangout with me and my friends? Y'know, they helped me a lot in all of my plans.” he said, smiling widely as ever. I had a bad feeling about this but then I can't turn him down because I'm afraid I'll hurt his feelings. “Fine...” I said begrudgingly. He cheered and dragged me somewhere.
“The heck are we?” “Behind the school. The gang hangs out with me here.” he explained. “Uhh... where are they...?” “They usually hides away. Hey! Come out! Got a guest with me too!” he said. Everyone then slowly starts to appear. They look scary and ruthless. “Heya, Jeff.” he starts off but then looked at me. “Who's the lady?” “My best friend. She's super cool, so don't worry about anything.” he said, determined. Although I am trembling immensely. “Y'know, she's not too bad.” the other said. “Such a shame, really. Jeff's best friend? Don't make me laugh. It's a pitiful thing to do.” another spoke. I growled under my breath. He went silent, growling as well. “Hey. Why not ditch him and join us? You'd have a great raise for it.” the last one spoke as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me. Jeff, who was still holding my hand, pulled me towards him instead with pure strength. “You guys leave her alone.” he warned darkly. “Otherwise, there will be consequences.” he added and we left.
“Shh... it's alright...” “I just can't believe it, Jeff... Why you're friends with... horrible people like them...” I sobbed. “I-I... I thought that... maybe it was a fun thing to do...” “Getting yourself in trouble like that?? You always made me worried everytime you did so! So please...” I snapped. I pushed him away and ran away. He was disappointed of himself, I can feel it. Little did we know, someone was listening, no, watching the whole thing.

Later that night, Nobody's POV
Jeff went to each respective houses of his group and brutally murdered them. He left, covered in blood, with pure satisfaction and ease in his face. “Nice job, brother.” a familiar voice said out of nowhere. He froze  in surprise. He turns around and saw Liu, holding a camera. “What the f*ck were you doing?” “Oh, nothing, really. Just following you and caught your little commitment.” “What're you gonna do with it...?” “Aww, are you scared? Don't worry, how about a deal?” he smirked darkly at him. “I don't like repeating things, y'know.” “I know, but just listen. If you don't want your dirty little secret to be exposed to the school, authorities, or especially Y/n, you'll have to stay away from her.” “What?! Are you insane?! She's also my friend, dumbass! How can I just leave??” “Whoa, calm down. Like she'll miss you after that arguement.” his smirk grew wide. Jeff's surprised. He never told anyone about that arguement. “So what's your decision? It's either she dislikes you, or hates you forever. She'll held a bigger grudge.” ‘I can't leave her...! But... my secret'll get exposed... and she'll hate me more than she should be!’ he thought, panicked. Liu hummed as he smiled darkly. “Fine...! I'll... stay away...” “Good! I knew my brother wasn't the big troublemaker he is. Now just be a good guy and listen, alright?” he smiled widely and left. Jeff can't believe he'd been blackmailed by his close one.

The past few weeks, you felt guilty but at the same time, not. Liu have been trying to distract you from thinking about Jeff. It worked, and it made you nearly forget about him. Nearly, really. It's just you put him behind.
Jeff, on the other hand, felt so depressed and shut hinself away, cutting his own arms. He can't stand it without seeing you. You were literally his whole life, the entire thing for him, the reason he's still here. He can't stand it without seeing your precious smile, your kind acts, everything. It's all he asked for, really.

Then he finally had enough.

You received a letter from inside your locker, before you went home. It tells you to go meet someone on the rooftop. You suspect it was Liu and your heart pounded fast. You cheered and went to the roof, not realizing it wasn't Liu. He followed you up.
You scan around for Liu but only find a white hooded guy in front of you, sitting near the edge of the roof. “Hey! Don't sit there. You'll fall.” you called. He smiled. Hearing your voice got him happy. “Um... have you seen Liu, by the way?” you added. His smile shattered and his heart was hurt. “Hey... you don't remember me?” he spoke. His voice sounded awfully familiar, but you can't recall it. He turns around with an off smile. It ringed your head. It feels so familiar but you can't remember anything. "Y/n... it's me... Jeff..." he said, crying. Liu growled and pullef out a pocket knife. He then ran towards Jeff in order to stab him. Jeff notices this and immediately push Y/n away as he pulled out a knife as well. The two then stabbed eachother's shoulder. You looked at the farce with devastation. Liu fell backwards and Jeff fell onto his knees. You finally realized who it is. It's Jeff, the one who you left behind. But then... both of them are injured and you left your phone somewhere else.
Who should you choose?

You ran up to Jeff and held him by your shoulder. “Jeff, please hold on for a moment. I'll get you fixed up...” you cried. He smiled. “It's... alright... for as long as... you can remember... me...” he used up his current strength.
You get him into the infirmary and began bandaging him. You can't believe what Liu had done to you. He made you forget about Jeff. But you managed too, in the end.
“There... it should stop though...” you sadly said. “Y'know... thanks for saving me but...” “I'm sure he'll be fine.” he said and then he hugged you tightly and kissed you. You were stunned y this. He is kissing you! “Y/n... y'know... all this time, I actually had feelings for you.” he smiled. You giggled happily as blush starts to appear. “I'm so glad to have you back, Jeff. And of course I love you, my little troublemaker!”

In the end you failed to recognize Jeff and ran up to Liu instead. You picked hik up and carried him to the infirmary. “Please hold on, Liu.” you cried. He smiled darkly yet happily by your care.
“Oww...! It hurts...” he whined. “Shh! This is for your own sake, y'know.” “Yes... but be a little more gentle...” “Can't believe you tried to stab him though...” “It's alright. I'm sure he'll do fine. We should worry something much more.” “Like what?” “Like...” he then pulls you xlose and kissed you gently. You were stunned but then fell into it. “I love you, Y/n.” he whispered. You giggled lightly. “Mhm... me too.”

If anything, no both ending. Because it'd be a lot more difficult tbh. But then hope you enjoyed.

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