Chapter 1: Protector

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    These years have gone by like nothing has happened. The city is in it's days of misery and despair. My city. I see all the lights to the skyscrapers before me. They light the night when I am out on patrol. I don't bring myself to be the type of hero that goes beyond the limit. These criminals think the city can be taken, like no one is protecting it. Little do they know I am here.

It's been years doing this hero thing. Nobody but me by my side. I hide in the shadows, waiting for criminals to show themselves. I am the Protector. I solely keep Empire City safe. I run across buildings, one by one. I look down to see if I will have to save someone. Anyone that needs help, who needs hope. "HELP!" I heard from down below. A man was trying to steal a woman's purse. I get down the fire escape and look from above. I jump down. He had snatched the purse and ran. I begin to run after him. I try catching him. I speed down the sidewalks. He looks back in fear. I catch his glance and speed up to tackle him. The purse falls. I throw him into some trash cans. "Look man, take it easy." He said scared for his life. "I hear the fear in your voice, you should be afraid." I say. He slowly gets up. He tries throwing a punch but I stop him and pumble him to the ground. I punch him in his stomach and kick him in his face. "You can't stop me from keeping criminals behind bars. I am this city's protector." I say. He can't get up. I pick up the purse. The woman was in a nearby shop, asking to call the police. I walked in. The bell from the door rang. It was sprinkling that night. My mask and clothes were slightly damp. I look at her. She seems to not be able to know what I am feeling or if I show emotion at all under my mask. "I believe this is yours." I said. She looked was in awe. I walked out, not saying another word.

The man I beat up was taking into custody. Another criminal behind bars. I had walked home that night. There was a store with TVs in the window. I looked to see what was on. The news, talking about this new criminal Nightshadow. I had been trying to capture this criminal for months but with no luck. The TV all of a sudden switched to another news story. Beach City. A little town. I've been there before looking for the criminals that ran there. Some petty crimes here and there but Empire City is my place to protect. "Here in Beach City, we have spaceships landing and flying back to outer space. Seemed to be in the shape of a woman. There are sources here that believe a young boy and his guardians are the ones that are responsible for this fenomena." The reporter finished off saying. This soon led to an interview with come conspiracy nut that looked like he had french fries for hair. I turned around and went to my apartment building. It was kind of run down. It was hard to have a nice living place with what money I make working at the Big Donut here in Empire City. Heh. To think, a hero like me working a day job and then goes out to beat up a bunch of bad people on the streets.

I woke up the next morning, tired and not ready to go back to work. I got up. I looked in the mirror. I was a mess. I lifted my shirt above my head. I see scars and bruises from previous nights. I took some rubbing ach** and placed the towel over the wounds. The pain was nothing compared to how I got those wounds. I took a shower and put on my uniform with my name tag. I walked out the trashy looking apartment and walked past all the people that would be sitting or standing outside in the hall. I went to the bus stop and let it take me to my job. The streets were baron this early in the morning. I look to see very few people on this bus ride. I kept my headphones in. Listening to the music that soothes my soul.

I see the giant donut that sits on top of a small structure. I get off and pull out my keys to open the door. Yeah, it's just me and another coworker. We are decently acquainted. I choose not to get close to anyone. I am a hero by night and a day job worker I have had too many losses and have seen too much to want anyone to get hurt. I start making the donuts and start stocking up the refreshments. I end off with flipping the "closed" sign to "open." Waiting for the people to start rolling in. The bell from the door rings. "Hey Derek." Said my coworker, Donna. I greeted her and she went to the back and got ready to work. I only see this job as a way to make the money I need to continue eating and living to be able to save those of Empire City. It was all I had. It's hard being 20 and not having a family or friends. "Stop it!" I yelled in my head. I can't be thinking of that. These citizens need me. Whether they know who I am or not. I am here by destiny and my own free will. Life just gave me the ability to work through it. I decided to turn on the TV in the shop since no one was walking in yet . I saw another report about "Nightshadow" and their big diamond heist that they were nearly busted for but got away. I need to catch this person.

I had people walk in and I simply did my job. I acted courteous and gave them their orders of donuts. I watched the TV as I had time in between giving people food. My attention was on the TV when another report about Beach City was on the news. I looked and saw that it was about those gem people again. The fry guy again was their being interviewed. I then saw footage of many of them walking around the city. Here in Empire City, we hear things about that city and how strange it is. I wonder what those gems really are. I soon got to the end of the day were it was time to close, head home and go patrolling. I got in the apartment and got dressed in my black costume and put my mask on. I went down the fire escape. I walked down the street in the dark part where I wasn't easily seen. I soon got on some buildings to see things from a better view.

 If you are wondering where the crystal gems, Steven, Lapis, and Peridot are, don't worry they're going to be in the next chapter. I just wanted to introduce y'all to Protector as a character and establish a bit of the world. Oh and if you don't know, this is takes place post- Change Your Mind but there is no spoilers at any point, just hinting and nods that it's after. 

Protector of Empire City: A Steven Universe FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now