Chapter 9: Possible New Friends

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We got to the temple and seemed to have the look of any other place. It even had screen windows and door. It can be easily seen inside. "Come on in," Steven said. I let the others walk in before me. I saw a kitchen, sofa, bed on a second level and a T.V. From my view you could see a big door that had many colors. It also had some sort of crystal pad in front of it. All of a sudden some huge creature came out of nowhere and tackled me. I immediately got out from underneath it. I then put up both arms about to tackle it but fell into its hair. I entered some other place. It was pink. I saw a tree with a shirt and a treasure chest of some sort in the distance. I couldn't breathe. I felt light headed. I then was pulled back.

I saw a tall woman with star shades and a square-shaped hair due pulling me out of, what I can only assume, was another dimension of some sort. "Are you ok?" She asked. She had an accent that I just couldn't put my finger on. I then saw a woman with a blue leather jacket with shoulder pads, a purple girl with jeans that had stars and a woman with rainbow hair that had a hammer for a hand. I looked at them with a confused look. "Uh, yeah I think so," I said. "Sorry about Lion, just likes to play," Steven said. "It's fine," I said. 

I then saw a girl that was human, dark skin, with a sword holster on her back. They must have gotten out of that room near the pad when hearing the commotion. "How rude of us? Allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Pearl." Pearl said. "I'm Garnet." "Yo, I'm Amethyst." "Bismuth." "Hey, I'm Connie, Steven's human friend, and you don't know what an honor it is to be talking to the real Protector." She said with stars in her eyes. After all that I waved at them with my bad arm. I realized that after the confrontation with Lion that Steven's powers must have kicked in. "Wow," I said. That's all that could escape my mouth. I then looked up at them to see a slightly confused look on their faces. "Hey, I'm Derek. Also known as Empire City's hero. As Connie said, my hero name is Protector." I said.

They all looked in awe. I guess they thought my status was good. "How do you fight bad guys when you don't have powers or weapons like this," Amethyst said pulling out her gem weapon. "I just use my fists and martial art skills. I use weapons when necessary but I don't really care to use any." I said. "Well have you ever considered swords?" Connie asked. "Nah, you guys are fine using your weapons but I just consider them a distraction and I get more crime fighting done the way I have been," I said. "So what brings you here, Derek?" Pearl asked. "I just followed Steven here because he said he didn't know when my arm would heal but from what I could tell, it's healed," I said stretching my once broken arm.

"Well, you may stay with us just to hang if you would like," Peridot asked. The other gems all nodded in agreement. I looked at my situation. I didn't know if it was just a feeling but I weirdly felt that they couldn't be trusted. I always pushed people away. I thought being alone was the best option. Maybe I was wrong."That actually sounds great," I said. Connie got all excited, so did Steven. Pumpkin then jumped up and down as Peridot and Lapis once again hugged the life out of me. "Can't breath," I said. They let go. I caught my breath while giggling about it.

 I ended up spending time talking, playing games, sparring with the gems, Steven and Connie. It was probably the happiest I have been in a long time. I was thinking I couldn't accept any friends. I couldn't risk losing family. I may have lost my family and friends in the past but maybe this time it could be different. These crystal gems seemed to be able to take care of themselves. Hopefully, that means I wouldn't be the cause of any of them getting hurt. 

Protector of Empire City: A Steven Universe FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now