Vol. 2

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A few months after Roman joined the family, Patton and Logan decided that it was time for him to go to school. On one condition, that is.

Roman and Virgil must have the same classes.

And so, the two adoptive brothers started their junior year of high school together.

~~Present day~~

"Virgil." Roman said, poking the others face, "Wake up its time for school."

Virgil groaned and flipped the pillow over his face, flipping Roman off as well.

Roman made an offended noise, "Don't make me tell Dad!"

Virgil threw his pillow at Roman.

Roman flinched as the pillow came toward him, accidentally burning it to a crisp the moment it hit him.

"I-I'm sorry Virge, I didn't mean to..." Roman stammered, taking a few steps back.

Virgil frowned, grabbing a notepad and pen and making his way over to the other boy. Roman stood still in fear, thinking Virgil was going to yell at him.

Instead, the note read:

I'm sorry for throwing that at you Ro, I didn't mean to scare you

Roman looked up at Virgil, who was staring at the floor.

"Hug?" Roman asked, opening his arms.

Virgil nodded, slowly wrapping his arms around the other. Roman pulled Virgil close, hugging him tightly. They stayed like that until both of their heart rates settled down.

Virgil was the first to pull away, signing 'breakfast' before heading out of the room.

Roman nodded, following the emo down to the kitchen. During the past three months, he and Virgil had become inseparable. Roman helped Virgil with his nightmares and panic attacks. Virgil helped Roman control his powers and ground him. The two had a bond beyond that of brothers. They shared the same trauma.

"Hey kiddos!" Patton said as the two reached the table, "Sleep well?"

Virgil nodded, eagerly digging in to the scrambled eggs and pancakes.

"I slept fantastic!" Roman smiled, nibbling on a piece of bacon.

"That's great to hear kiddo." Patton said, smiling at his two boys.

He was so proud of how far the boys have come, especially Virgil. When Virgil first came into their life, he was terrified of everything. It took a lot of trust to get him to where he is now. And even though Roman had just gotten here, he seems so much happier. He hasn't even had a nightmare in over a week.

"Good morning love." Logan said, pecking Patton on the cheek.

"Morning!" Patton giggled, "do you have to go to work early today?"

Logan sighed and rubbed his forehead, "unfortunately."

Patton smiled and handed Logan toast covered in Crofters.

Logan chuckled, "how do you always know?"

"Cause I'm your husband." Patton said, kissing Logan, "now go, you don't wanna be late."

Logan smiled, "Alright."

Logan walked out to the living room to see Virgil teaching Roman sign language. He smiled. At first he was worried, but now he can see that they will be fine together.

"Goodbye boys, have a good first day." Logan called, walking past the two.

"Okay Father." Roman said, focusing on what Virgil was signing.

Logan paused. Father? He shook his head, smiling slightly as he left.

Patton smiled, hearing everything as he dried dishes, "Hey kiddos? You should get ready now."

Roman brightened up while Virgil groaned and fell back against the couch.

"Come in Virge!" Roman said, picking up the emo, "We wouldn't want to be late on our first day!"

Virgil rolled his eyes, 'says you'.

Roman laughed and carried his brother upstairs to their room. Virgil pushed Roman off of him once the door closed.

"Virge?" Roman asked as the other walked to their closet, "Did I upset you?"

Virgil turned around, surprised, and shook his head.

"Oh, okay." Roman said.

'You okay?' Virgil signed.

Roman nodded quickly, putting on a smile, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Virgil gave him a strange look, but turned back to their clothes, throwing a pair of white, ripped jeans at Roman. The boy flinched, but managed not to catch it in fire. Virgil smiled, pulling out his hoodie.

Roman's eyes lit up, "Virge! I didn't burn it!"

'Nice job Ro.' Virgil signed, 'now get dressed.'

Roman rolled his eyes, "I only understood half of that, but I think you're telling me to hurry up."

Virgil sighed and nodded. Roman chuckled, walking over and pulling out a red shirt with a gold crown on it. He was about to walk away, but Virgil put a gold and white leather jacked over his head.

Roman pulled the garment off his head, "you want me to wear this?"

Virgil nodded.

"Alright." Roman said, "I'll change in the bathroom."

Virgil nodded again, digging around for a shirt. Roman crossed the hall to the bathroom and set his clothes on the counter. He took off his pajama shirt and stared at the emblem burned onto his back, a scar marking him as Deceit's.

Roman grit his teeth against the sharp pain of his wings. He sighed and let them out, the emblem shifting to it's place in the middle of his wing. Roman stretched them, then he noticed something odd.

His wings were no longer a dark red, but a much lighter shade of red and white.

Roman barely suppressed a yelp of surprise. What had happened to his wings!? The more he examined his wings, he noticed that the colour had changed, but everything else stayed the same. Every scar was still there, each mark a time he tried to get rid of his wings.

There was a knock on the door.

"You okay there kiddo?" Patton asked.

Roman jumped, "Y-yeah! I'll be out in a minute."

"Okay." Patton said.

Roman sighed, tucking his wings away. He'll take a closer look at them after school. Now he had to get ready, he wouldn't want to hold up Virgil and make them late.

Roman quickly changed, pulling on the jacket Virgil gave him. The emo was right, he looked good. Roman took a deep breath and left.

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