Vol. 11

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T.W.: blood, abuse, death

It's been almost a week since Deceit captured the boys. Logan and Patton had searched the entire time for them.

And then they found their boys.

~~Present day ~~

Roman was fast asleep. Virgil held his brothers hand, curled up next to him on the bed. Remy was rocking himself in the corner. He almost fell asleep, but Deceit beat him. Virgil tried to speak up and was thrown into the wall.

Footsteps echoed down the hall and the two awake boys tensed.

"Patton, this way."

Virgil gasped softly. He shook Roman, who woke up with a groan.

"Wha's happnin'?" Roman slurred.

"Roman!?" Pathos came into veiw in front of the bars, Logan soon joining him.

Virgil threw himself at the bars of the cell, reaching through to grab Patton's hand.

"Hey kiddo," Patton said, taking his sons hand, "Are you okay?"

Tears came to Virgil's eyes as he shook his head.

"Where's Roman?" Logan asked.

"I'm here." Roman sniffled from the bed, "I-I can't move."

"Alright. Virge move back, I'll open the door." Logan said.

Virgil nodded and went back against the wall. Logan placed his hand on the lock and soon the door swung open. Virge immediately hugged Patton, crying into his shoulder.

Someone clapped, "well done, very well done."

A man with scales trailing down the left side of his face slithered into the light. He wore almost all black and a wide, sadistic grin.

"So lovely to meet you, you took such good care of my pets." The man said, "though you did spoil them."

The man glared at Virgil, who shrunk back into Patton's arms.

"You must be Deceit." Logan growled, stepping in front of his husband and son.

"Yes! And welcome to my castle, can I get you anything to drink?" Deceit asked, "or I know, how about some entertainment."

Deceit snapped and they were in an arena. Patton and Logan were in a cage on a balcony overlooking the pit of sand. Roman and Virgil were collapsed in the middle of the arena.

"Welcome one and all to the fight to the death!" Deceit yelled, walking out to the edge of the balcony.

Remy followed behind him, stiff with glowing yellow eyes.

"Now-" Deceit raised his hand, "-FIGHT!"

Logan and Patton could only watch as Roman and Virgil ran toward each other, their eyes shining a bright gold. Patton tucked his head in Logan's chest. He didn't want to see what Deceit was laughing about. Logan watched in horror s the two sweet boys ripped each other apart.

Virgil made chains of ice and threw it around Roman, who was now a large, red and gold dragon. Roman screamed as ice crept over his scales and he collapsed to the ground, writhing in the sand, getting more and more tangled. The wounds on his wings reopened, making him weaker from blood loss. He took one more deep breath and closed his eyes.

Deceit laughed and leaned over the railing, "So Anxiety does beat Dragon-Witch!"

Patton heard his laugh and gave a loud, screaming sob, going completely limp in Logan's arms. Logan was simply frozen in shock. Roman couldn't be dead. He couldn't be...

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