grief group

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Shuichi was laying on his bed. He wasn't asleep, but he certainly wasn't in the mood to get up.

When he mourned, he mourned hard.

By now, his tear ducts had already dried up. He couldn't cry if he wanted to. And believe me, he wanted to.

He still haden't finished letting it all out. He never thought he would.

He couldn't talk about it to anyone. Kaito was dead, Maki hated Kokichi, so she absolutely wouldn't sypathise with someone that loved the leader as much as Shuichi, Kiibo had already tried to give the boy emotional support, but given he was a robot incapable of fully understanding human emotion, his comforts towards Shuichi always unintentionally made things worse.

They were always to formal. Too straight forward. He didn't want that. He just wanted someone to help him numb the pain with jokes and fond memories of the supreme leader. But, no one could ever do that like Kokichi. Kokichi was the only one that could make him laugh. Kokichi..I guess now could only make him cry.

He really had no one. Himiko was too lazy to help, Tsumugi seemed to be a little too caught up in her own world to help, and he wasn't close to the cosplayer at all. And no one else was left. Everyone was dead.

Including his precious Kokichi.

Shuichi expected more tears to come, but none fell. His eyes stung with the inability to make tears. He shut them quickly and shoved his face into his hands, "It should have been me!" He screamed to himself, "Why did it have to be him?" He would have been choking on tears if he had any left, "Why did someone so perfect have to leave me?" He broke. His weak voice gave out into quiet, tearless cries.

He was done with this shit.
He just wanted to be with Kokichi again. He wanted to be with the boy that he never got to confess to. He wanted noting more than to see him for one day.

Outside his door stood Maki, Himiko, Kiibo, and Tsumugi. They had heard everything.

They just didn't know who 'he' was.

Who was this boy Shuichi was greiving over? Most guessed it was Kaito, but Kiibo and Maki knew who it was.

Kiibo of course had been told by Shuichi himself, and Maki had passed by the room once or twice to hear Shuichi crying specific details about the lying boy that didn't fit anyone else.

Kiibo spoke up, "I know who he is greiving for, but I don't know why. He had told me just how much he missed him, but thats all I could really differenciate from his cries."

Himiko and Tsumugi turned to Kiibo, "Who is it?"

"Don't tell Shuichi I told you, but its Kokichi."

Tsumugi fangirl screamed. Himiko sighed, "I owe you twenty when we get out." She reminded Tsumugi.

"I do not understand, Tsumugi, are you happy about Kokichi's death?" Kiibo asked, confused.

Tsumugi shook her head, "No, no, no!" She smiled, "Im simply happy that my ship know could have sailed." She stated like the fujoshi she was.

Maki shook her head in dissapointment, "Listen, we need to get him to stop sulking."

"What do you mean Maki? You spent at least three days mourning over Kaito." Himiko stated in her usual bored voice.

Maki blushed and played with her hair, "But he's been in there for months. And morning for that liar."

"It is agreeable that Kokichi was hard to get along with, but I don't think you should desicrate his memory like that." Kiibo said.

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