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(lol, get it? okay im sorry)

An unimaginable horror such as the one the five remaining students saw that morning was the least of what they were expecting.

There it was. Kokichi's body.

Shuichi immeditely dropped to his knees when he saw it. Oh god, it was horrible.

There was a large knife sticking out of his stomach, and there was various gashes all over his arms and hands. The thing that put the icing on the preverbial cake was the message written in the victims blood. Kokichi's blood.

'Bye I guess'

It was so gruesome. Its was so very gruesome. Esoecially the message..Something about it just was so

Shuichi cried at the sight of the body,  and everyone else tried to be sad too, but really, the only one there who actually cared about him was Shuichi.

Tsumugi dropped to her knee and hugged Shuichi, who could no longer control his tears and was full out sobbing.

Himiko sat on the boy's opposide side and rubbed his back, trying to comfort him as they had all comforted her when Tenko died.

Kiibo stared at the body, then bcak at Shuichi, "Do not worry, Shuichi. We will fine wh-"

"I-it's...a s-suic-cide." Shuichi barely got out before his words were broken by sobs.

Everyone gasoed in disbeleif, "Suicide?! Hiw could you possibly know?" Tsumugi asked.

"Be-because..." Shuichi dug in his pockets and pulled out a familiar piece of paper, "I found his suicide note."

Again, everyone gasped in disbeleif. How could this be? Why would he kill himself?

"A body has been discovered! Investigation time starts now!" Monokuma said though the pa.

Shuichi finally got ahold of his sobs, though he found that some tears managed to escape. He stood up and walked over to the body, almost inable to stand, his mind so overwelmed.

His knees shook but he still looked over the body. He was certain it was suicide. But he had to still investigate. He just knew thats what the other's expected him to do.

He felt more tears swell in his eyes, but he had to focus. He just wanted the investigation to be over. He didn't want to stare at the body any longer.

After the investigation, Shuichi trudged to the trial room.

He didn't want to do this. Not without Kokichi.

He shuttered at the loss of the boy's familiar hand on his. A hand that he had grown so painfully used to.

He couldn't feel it anymore.

The boy was gone.

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