Sleeping together isnt so fun

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Night fell and sleeping proved to be an issue.

Kokichi just couldn't get comfortable without moving his foot at a painful angle, and the fact tha it wasn't even wrapped made things worse.

Shuichi had insisted on wrapping it, but Kokochi declined constantly and claimed to be fine.

But evidently, he was not fine.

Shuichi sighed, it pained him to hear the boy's sounds of pain, not mention exhausted from not being able to sleep. Because, who would be able to sleep next to someone who wont stop whining and squirming around?

  He wished he could do something. And right about now they both wished Kokichi didn't toss around so much. It really didn't help.

Shuichi turned to Kokichi, "Hey, I think we should at least wrap it. It wont do much, but it will atleast keep it from complete-"

"Nooo too tired." Kokichi cut him off, mainly because the stupid author didn't know how to finish the sentence.

I mean, what?

Kokichi whinced as immediate pain was the result of another turn.

Shuichi got up, "That's it." He scopped up Kokichi, much to the smaller boy's disapproval, "We have to wrap it up, hopefuly we can make some sort of make-shift splint."

Kokichi tried to wiggle out of Shuichi's arms, "I don't want too!" He whined like a child. 

Shuichi placed a kiss on his lips, "Hush." He said in a soft voice.

Kokichi immediately shut up and let himself be carried to the infirmary.

Shuichi walked in and placed Kokichi on the counter and dug theough the cabinets for some ace wraps (This clumsy bitches best friend)

Kokichi boredly looked around the room as he waited for Shuichi to find the wrap.

After a minute, Shuichi finally found some, "This should do the trick."

He unraveled the wrap and bent down so that he was eyelevel with the counter.  He then started wrapping Kokichi's foot up until a little past his ankle.

Kokichi felt a bit of releif when he felt more support on his injured ankle, "Better?" Shuichi asked, standing up.

Kokichi nodded.

Shuchi smiled and picked the boy up off the counter, carrying him bridal style. Kokichi giggled.

"Huh? What's so funny?"

"Nishishi~ Nothing, I just think it's cute how you get to carry me around everywhere now." Kokichi teased, "Now carry me to the kitchen, I thirst for a late night Panta." Kokichi said in a snobby British accent.

Shuichi chuckled at the smaller's childishness and carried him to the kitchen.

When they returned to their room, both boy's were exhausted.

Shuichi stepped in, locked his door, and gently set Kokichi down on the bed, not hesiating a second to crawl into the spot next to him.

Kokichi used the pillow from earlier and propped his foot up, hoping to not squirm as much now.

Kokichi and Shuichi both closed their eyes. They joined hands under the covers, "I love you..goodnight." Kokichi said quietly.

Shuichi blushed softly,  "I-I love you too." He turned and hugged the boy, "Sleep well."

"You too."


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