He's Back

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The image above has nothing to do with the story, I just wanted to share it with you to brighten up your day^^


  Shuichi raced down the halls after an announcement just minutes before. He recalled the instructions in his head:

Puhuhu~ Your beloved classmates have arrived, run on over to the gym before they slip out of your grasp again~

Shuichi stopped at the door. Was he ready? Was he ready to see him again? He didn't know, but as the bear had said, he couldn't let the boy go again. Not now. Not ever.

  He took a deep breath and opened the doors. When he walked in, all he saw was...Monokuma?


Where was everyone?

  Tenko, Kaito, Kokichi. They were supposed to be back! Shuichi looked around, desperately searching for aformentioned people. He looked down at the bear in rage, "Where is everyone!?" He yelled, completely done with the bear's games.

  Monokuma looked up at the boy, "Puhuhu~ I've never seen you so angry before, Mr. Saihara. Is this because you don't see anyone? Besides me and yourself of course."

  Shuichi balled his fists, "Wh-"

"Oh, Saihara-chan~"

  Shuichi turned around to see


Kokichi himself, standing there. He wasn't crushed or stabbed, or bleeding out.

He was there.

He was alive.

Tears of joy and confusion filled Shuichi's eyes and he covered his mouth to conceal a gasp, "Oh my god..Kokich-"

"Did you miss me, Shuichi~?" Kokichi asked teasingly, though there was a hint of genuine happiness and intruge in his voice.

  Shuichi couldn't say anything, he just ran to the shorter boy and tackled him into a hug.

Kokichi was of course taken aback by this, but nonetheless he wrapped his arms around the taller boy ontop of him, "Nishishi~ You really missed me, huh?"

Shuichi nodded as he sobbed into the smaller boys shoulder. Kokichi giggled and pet the taller boy's hair.

  After afew minutes, Shuichi sat up and whiped his eyes, "Are you alright?"

"You surprised me a little, but im alright. You're really light...I wonder why."

  Well, Shuichi had missed more than afew meals.


Of all people, you wanted me back, huh?"

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