Dying twice can't be great

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There she was.

Tenko Chabashira, dead for the second time.

Korekiyo's seesaw trick was gruesome, sure, but that was nothing compared to this.

She was mangled, completely mangled.

From head to toe she was covered in gashes and burns from what looked to be rope.

   Himiko sat on the floor, sobbing into her little hands. Kiibo tried to give her some comfort by sitting next to her and rubbing her back, but not even the sweet comfort comming from the robotic boy could make things any better.

How could any amount of comfort sooth seeing someone die


They all knew what was to come. They would have a trial and another student would die. And there was nothing to be done.

Even with the return of three people, two would die. That's how this cycle of life and death went.

And it was horrible.

Shuichi and Kokichi came into the room, Shuichi carrying the smaller boy.

Shuichi looked upon the body of his friend, his eyes filled with tears, just as everyone else's had.

But wait.

Kaito and Kokichi.

They were....fine.

They weren't like- Happy or anything, but....They weren't...surprised.

How could they not even show the least bit of surprise? Tenko was dead..AGAIN!

Shuichi looked at the smaller boy in his arms, "K-kokichi? Why arent you surprised? Ten-"

"How could I be? I've seen it happen before...and it's happened to me.." Kokichi stared blankly at the body, "I want to be surprised,  I want to be sad...I want to be scared...but I just can't when I know what happens on the oth- Never mind." He stopped himself,  " Just...start investigating and find the asshole that did this." Kokichi said in no peticualar tone. It was like he was completely void of sympathy.

Shuichi took a chair from the corner of the room and dragged it a bit closer to the scene so that Kokichi, hopefully, could participate in the investigation. He carefully set the smaller boy in it. Shuichi took his hand and placed a kiss on the top of it before turning back to the body.

Kokichi again stared blankly at the body. For once in his life, he didnt know what to say.

*Time skip to trial*

Kokichi carried the smaller boy to the elevator. That damn elevator. The last time Shuichi had gotten in that elevator was when...Kokichi died.

Shuichi looked down, trying to process all the information he gathered.

He still couldn't believe Tenko was dead. Again.

It was horrible, but at least it wasn't his Kokichi. Speaking of, Shuichi looked at the smaller boy. He didn't know what to say.

Kokichi looked up at him and tried to give him a smile, but he knew it wouldn't help, so he just looked back down.

Shuichi sighed as the doors opened. He carried the boy into the room. Everyone else followed solemly. Here we go again.

Everyone got in their respective places. But Shuichi just stood there, "Um.." Kokichi looked up at the taller boy, "Its alright, Shu. I'll just lean on my podium."

"But y-"

"We can't be in the same spot. It's okay. I'll be okay..." Kokichi lied. Shuichi sighed in defeat and carried Kokichi to his podium.

Kokichi whined softly when his foot hit the floor. Shuichi looked at him but Kokichi just gave him a reassuring smile.

Shuichi sighed and once he thought Kokichi was at least remotely fine, he went to his podium. He wished he could keep holding the boy. He hated seeing how Kokichi's face would contort into a pained expression whenever his ankle would move.

Shuichi made himself shake the thought off and foucus on the task at hand. To find Tenko Chabashira's killer.

"Shall we begin?" Kokichi said from his podium, leaning on the edge and trying not to look uncomfortable.


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