Awkward Explanation

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"Shuichiiiiiiiii I'm bored." Kokichi whined at his taller boyfriend, who was currently in his beathroom getting dressed and preparing for the day.

Shuichi buttoned his last button and turned to Kokichi, "There's not really anything I can do about that, I'm afraid."

Kokichi whined, "Come hold meee!" He whined like a toddler, outstreaching his arms out to Shuichi.

Shuichi walked over to him and pet his hair, "Id love to, but I have to go get us breakfast." Kokichi leaned into his touch.

"Can't I go with you?" Kokichi begged. Shuichi shook his head, "No my darling, I don't know how to explain what happened to everyone else yet."

Kokichi dramatically crossed his arms and pouted, "I don't even know how.."

Shuichi sighed softly, "Fine. But do you really feel like having me carry you? Shouldn't you try and keep your foot from moving as much as possible?"

Kokichi nodded, "I know, but...I just really don't like being alone." Kokichi looks down and whines softly.

Shuichi sits next to him and takes his hand, rubbing the smaller boy's palm, "I know..." Kokichi rested his head on Shuichi's shoulder, "I don't mind carrying you though, so if you want to go you need to get dressed."

Kokichi looked up at him and smiled, "Okay! clothe-"

"I went to your room this morning and grabbed you some clothes." Shuichi explained.

Kokichi smiled, "Thank you." Shuichi nodded and got up, grabbing aformentioned clothes off his chair and handed them to the smaller boy. The smaller boy gave an appreciative nod and started to unbutton his shirt.

Shuichi just kind of stood there, not knowing what to do.

Kokichi pulled his shirt off then noticed Shuichi standing there, he quickly holds his shirt to his chest, trying to cover up, "Uh...c-could you turn around?" Kokichi asked, cursing himself for stuttering.

Surprised, Shuichi's raised his eyebrows, "All..Right then..?" Shuichi turned around, focusing on a book he had laying on the table.

Kokichi put the shirt on and buttoned it up. He then tied his scarf around his neck and adjusted it. Afterwards, he picked up his clean pants and boxers and unfolded them, preparing for the hassle that would be to put on. He then slipped off his boxers and pants, whincing when he pulls the material over his foot.

This almost caused Shuichi to turn around, but he didn't want to make the smaller boy uncomfortable.

Kokichi then slid his clean boxers on, which wasn't too difficult, but then he realized he would have to move his foot to put his pants on, as well as he up, which wasn't happening.

He pulled the pants on as far as they could go and awkwardly tried to wiggle them on, but stopped when he realized how much that had moved his foot. He hissed in pain and stopped. Not knowing what to do, he looked over at the taller boy, embarassed, he asked, "Hey...uh...Shuichi...could me...?" He asked quietly, clearly embarassed.

Shuichi turned around, thankful I was able to help, hating the sounds of Kokichi's struggle.

He walked over to the smaller boy, who was blushing, "Just help me with my pants...ignore my ugly legs.." Kokichi said the last part quietly. Shuichi had head the comment.

"What do you mean? Your legs are perfect." He remembered Kokichi covering his chest, "And so is every other inch of you." Shuichi complimented, giving the boy a reassuring smile.

Kokichi blushed a little more,"Y-yeah...whatever..You're only saying that because you love me.." Shuichi was puzzled, he had never expected the smaller boy to have self esteem issues.

Shuichi shook his head, "I do love you, but that's not why I think you're beautiful. You're beautiful because you're beautiful, and for no other reasoning." Shuichi picked the boy up and let him lean on him, directing the smaller boy's arm around his neck.

Kokichi put all his weight on his other foot and managed to slide his pants on. Shuichi helped him back onto the bed, "And besides, I would still love you anyway, even if you weren't the definition of perfect." Shuichi flirted unknowingly.

Kokichi's face turned red (Shuichi unknowingly flirting is the best man)

Shuichi sat next to him and took his hand, "I love you for you, and everything about you." Shuichi looked the boy in the eyes, "And I don't want you to ever feel like you have to hide yourself infront of me, because I can tell you right now, you're beautiful. Especially to me."

Kokichi was almost in tears. How did he manage to get someone like Shuichi to love him? It just didn't make sense to him.

Shuichi kissed the boy's cheek, "Ready for breakfast?"

Kokichi nodded, "Then can we come back here, I don't exactly think anyone out there wants me around."

Shuichi gave him a reassuring smile, "Once we get back, we can snuggle up and be lazy all day, okay?"

Kokichi giggled, "Sounds perfect. Now let's go, this little gremlin is hungry. " Shuichi laughed and picked the smaller boy up, carrying him bridal style.

They finally arrived at the dining hall, Shuichi somehow managing to open the door. Once they got in, heads immediately turned to them.

Shuichi subconsiously looked away, hating so many eyes on him.

"Shuichi, why are you carrying Kokichi?" Kiibo asked.

Shuichi was about to explain, but Kokichi cut him off, "I ate shit in the hallway," He realized Kiibo probably wouldn't get his slang, "I mean fall in the hall and hurt my ankle, so Shu's carrying me, kay?" Kokichi said simply.

Everyone still have them confused looks, but after a while they minded their own business.

Shuichi sat Kokichi in a chair, "I'm going to go grab our food, okay?" Kokichi nodded.

Shuichi headed to the kitchen and came back soon with two trays of food and a panta.

Kokichi gasped on sight and hopped up and down in his seat like a child.

Shuichi smiled and set the tays down, as well as placing the panta infront of the smaller boy. Kokichi gasped, "Marry me." He said jokingly.

"I intend on it." Shuichi mumbled.


"Nothing. Just-"

Kokichi shook his suspicion off and started to eat. They ate in comfortable silence, not caring about all the eyes on them.

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