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You sat in your dorm room in your usual silence. You grab your scroll and type in Weiss' number. You think for a bit before typing.
"Hey Weiss, it's (Y/N). I'm sorry I haven't texted you, but my parents don't want me to talk to you" you wait a bit before she replies back
"(Y/N), I was beginning to think you lost my number"
"I would never" you send before waiting a bit "hey Weiss, you want to Cafe de Vale?"
"What about your parents?"
"They've probably already seen this and disowned me"
"I'll see you at 5" Weiss text back and then your scroll shuts off
"I knew it" you think and you toss the scroll into the trash. u paid for your own scroll, but since you are 17 your parents have control. You walk to Ozpin's office and he looks at you.
"I need a new scroll"
"Your parents shut off your scroll?" You nod at Ozpin's guess and he pulls out a silver scroll with Beacon's logo on the back. "Take it. I can't train a hunter if I can't get in contact with him"
"Thank you" you say and you run to your room. You look at the clock, noon. You run to the lunch room and sit far away from Weiss, your back facing her. You eat your food quick and run back to your dorm.


You turn on your TV and fall asleep.

"You may kiss the bride" a voice says and you feel yourself lean forward and a warmth on our lips. You look and see a gorgeous woman with hair so white it matched her dress, Weiss. The world around you suddenly shifts into a emergency room. You see Weiss on the bed with a big belly and the doctor there.
"Push Mrs. (L/N)"
"You got this Weiss" you hear yourself say and your hands shoot to your mouth
"What's wrong (Y/N)?" Weiss asks taking a break of pushing. "You've been talking for years" the world around you shifts again
"Upsies daddy, upsies" a little white haired girl asks you. Something in you knew this was your daughter. You lean down and pick her up
"Where's your mother?"
"Mommy's working, like usual"
"Hmm, let's go play" you say and the world shifts again, into a court room
"Divorce is final and Snow goes to Ms. Schnee"
"Noooooooo!" You scream and the world shifts to a sleazy motel where you have your mouth over a gun and you pull the trigger and bop yourself making everything black.
"Is this the life you want to live?"
"W-Who said that"
"I'm death, but I'm also life. I'm the beginning and the end"
"What's your name?"
"My name isn't important, is this the life you want?"
"No" you say and a hand of bone reaches out of the darkness
"Take my hand" the voice says and you grab the hand
"Are you god?"
"No, I'm the god of your god"
"Who's your god?"
"I don't have one, I'm as old as the universe"
"Look in front of you"
"What is it?" you ask as a bright light blinds you, only for the darkness to stay dark
"Your date with Weiss that's today, it's what would happen if you tell her who you really are"
"What, that I go to Beacon?"
"No, the other thing"
"Oh...wait a minute, I've been talking this whole time"
"Yes, there are no disabilities where we are"
"I mean, you don't have skin so"
"It is my nature. Watch the light" you look at the light and see that Weiss slaps you.
"Fucking watch you cunt!" The voice says with two fires glowing big in the dark. You look into the light again to see that, even though Weiss slapped you she was still sitting with you.
"Is this what I'm supposed to do on our date?"
"Wow, you're thick huh?"
"Answer me"
"Think about what you've seen. You can lie and get your voice, or tell the truth and lose it forever"
"Well, I've been communicating just fine"
"Not after you leave here. When you leave you'll lose your ability to sign"
"Gotta keep life in balance" the figure says and you fall into a bright light, waking up.

You look at the clock and see the time, 4:30. "No big deal" you think "wait" you panic a little before running into your closet to change.

Silent Weiss (completed)Where stories live. Discover now