• chapter 6 •

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Jungkook's Pov

"Tonight, is the night." Taehyung swung his arms around both me and Jimin as we walked into his empty abode and beamed a devilish smile, "who's ready to get fucked!"

"Your house is about to get seriously fucked up."

"My parents are away for a month, I'll be able to repair any damage done within that time."

I slumped on his couch, and hovered over Lisa's contact name in my phone. I hadn't spoke to her since the last time she was round and for some reason I felt nervous to message her. I groaned as I turned off my phone and ran a hand through my hair.

"Who pissed in your cereal?" Jimin joked as he looked at me, "you don't look like you're in the partying mood."

"I'm fine, I just... I need some alcohol, then I'll be alright." 

"Say no more." Taehyung handed flicked open a bottle of vodka as Jimin ran to get the shot glasses. "Let the games begin."


Taehyung's house was a sight to behold, the loud base of the music was almost shaking the walls, as people danced and jumped about the space of his large living room.

I'd been idly watching, anticipating Lisa's arrival, I was bored out of my wits and had passed on the few girls that had attempted to converse with me.

Amongst the haze, I finally see the girl I've been waiting on this whole night. She nodded off Jennie and Chaeyoung who headed towards the drinks table and took out her phone.

I start to approach her before I realise that my feet were even moving. She was wearing a black number that was sculpted so well to her body, highlighting her small waist and rounded hips. Her high was slicked into a high ponytail with her signature bangs on show.

"Hey" I said as she came better into my view, she looked up from her phone and I slid my hand round her waist.

"Yah, Jungkook, what're you doing." Her eyes scan around the room.

"You look incredible." She stifles a smile and smacks my arm away, but I just draw my body closer to her, "how about we blow this party off huh?"

"Yah, we're in public dumbass." She pushes me away lightly, "Anyways I'm-"

"Pranpriya, who's this?" A boy places his arm around Lisa's shoulders. My whole body stiffens and I scan over the man in front of me, not missing the wide grin on his face.

"Oh, Bambam, this is Jungkook, we have a few lessons together. Jungkook, you remember me mentioning my friend from Thailand." I clench my jaw remember the conversation well.

"Hey Jungkook, nice to meet you."

"Yeah" I spit, "same to you."

"How do you know noona?"

My fists tighten, and I swallow down the current urge to knock this guy out.

"Actually we're-"

"He's just a boy from some of my classes" Lisa interrupts and my glare at Bambam, softens into confusion as I look at her. For some reason I thought our relationship was moving onto better terms but I digress, I shouldn't have been that hopeful.

She looked uncomfortable stuck between the awkwardness of the conversation and quite frankly I no longer wanted to be having it.

"Noona, there's a karaoke thing going on, you should sing something! Jungkook, you should join!"

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