• chapter 12 •

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Lisa's Pov

Before the competition...

"I'll leave you to go find the girls and prep before the big performance. I know you'll smash it." I nod just as Jungkook leaves the room, not before giving me one final smirk. Aishhh this jerk.

I hate that he can still rile me up, my heart beats a million times faster when he's near. His effect is everlasting and it's really pissing me off. But he honestly really is something, that jaw of his is so sharp, and that little mole underneath his lips...his lips... 

I shake off those vulgar thoughts threatening to start forming in my mind. He really isn't my main priority anymore and especially not today (a/n: not not today, sorry not sorry) so I proceed with my stretches, before heading to meet the rest of the girls.

It dawns on me that I should probably have a bathroom stop before the dance. I'm not risking any type of error for this performance. My future aspirations of becoming a well-known idol, bank on this routine. I'd be happy to be scouted by any company, but YG is the main goal.

I just simply couldn't imagine my life without dance, it's the thing that livens me up, brightens my day and lets me escape from everyday life just for a couple of hours and I feel at total ease with the world.


I exit the cubicle and start to wash my hands in the nearest sink. I stare at my reflection and mouth 'you got this.'

Suddenly a cubicle door swings open, colliding with the wall, resulting in a loud clash, sending shock waves throughout my body.

"Lalisa Manoban." The figure almost spits as they speak.

"Jesus you nearly gave me a fucking heart attack, I could've died."

"If only I did, this process would be a lot easier." The atmosphere almost grew cold in her presence, the already dim lighting seemed to intensify as a dullness set over the room. Nevertheless, I refused to engage in whatever conversation she had planned, the environment feels way too hostile.

"How very charming of you. I'd love to stay and chit chat but I have a performance to attend." As I turn to leave, a hand on my shoulder spins me around until I'm face to face with the female glaring sharply, looking as though she really did want to kill me.

"You really think whoring around is going to get you far?" She ushers harshly.

"Excuse me?" I say in disbelief.

"Couldn't you just leave Jungkook alone huh? He deserves so much better than you, you just neglect him." She edges even closer until I feel utterly claustrophobic, "it's because of you he's completely ignoring me when I'm the only one that actually fucking cares about him."

She sizes me up with her eyes, judging every inch of my body.

"Now you've got Sehun and my Jungkookie wrapped around your little finger with your slutty ways. I honestly don't get what they see in you. Your figure is grossly unpleasant and please, anyone can tell those are hair extensions."

The anger that increases with every insult bubbles inside me and I refrain from using all my strength to attack this bitch right now.

"Listen...Tzuyu, it isn't my fault that your unsatisfactory sex led Jungkook to want more from the girl that could actually fulfill his sexual desires. I'm sorry he prefers to be with someone who can make him groan in the uttermost pleasure. I honestly don't know what kinda bullshit fairy tale you're trying to live out, but sometimes people just don't like you back and that's just life, so suck it up. But if you don't shut your filthy mouth right now and keep your shitty opinions to yourself, I'll make over your face to match that beautiful purple top you're wearing."

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