• chapter 21 •

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Lisa's Pov
(I recommend listening to the song on the slide, as I did while writing this :)

"Madame, if you would please follow me." The waiter beckons me to trail behind him.

"Jungkook isn't back yet-"

"He will join you shortly if you will Ma'am?" I clearly seem hesitant but nod at him and proceed to weave through the restaurant tables.

I grow slightly uneasy when we seem to pass nearly all the tables in the main dining area. I'm about to interrogate this waiter but he suddenly halts and gestures for me to enter a door labeled 'private dining.'

Aishhh this jerk really hired out our own room, didn't he?

I can't even contain the smile that spreads across my face. I bow back to the waiter, who politely holds open the door for me and enter the room. It's exquisite, the view of Seoul itself was more than phenomenal, I hadn't realised we were up this high.

A cooking water feature ran down the wall eliciting soft rain noises, against the violinist who was playing out on the balcony. Yes, you heard. Jeon Frickin Jeonkook, his actual middle name, look it up, hired a personal violinist.

The table situated in the middle held a vase of roses, next to the neatly laid cutlery and plates, positioned for two.

As I finally turned to the last corner a smiling Jungkook beams at me. He extends his arm, gesturing for me to take it. I sling my bag over the chair quickly, grabbing his hand promptly and he whisks me into his embrace.

We sway slowly to the sweet tune of the violin, my head rests against his chest and I feel the vibrations as he hums the song that's played. I look up into his beautiful eyes, that seem to sparkle in the moonlight.

"You're breathtaking Lisa." I gulp as he whispers the soothing compliment, swooning at his words.

"Jungkook this is amazing," he kisses my forehead softly making me laugh lightly, "when did you even-"

"I've been planning this for some time. I wanted to show you how special you are to me." A small blush creeps into my cheeks.

"Kookie, you remind me every day."

"But I wanted to show you" He then releases me from his hold and proceeds to get down on one knee. Thumping against my ribcage, I try to clutch my overly excited heart and I will it to calm down.

"I know we're young, I'm not asking for the biggest commitment just yet. But..." he pulls a ring box from his blazer pocket, someone should really check me for a pulse because I'm not entirely sure I'm alive as of right now.

Opening it, he reveals the most stunning ring, almost shaped like an infinity sign. With gems embedded into it, it seems to sparkle in the room. My mouth forms an O shape in awe of its beauty.

"...I'm asking for a promise instead. A promise that it will be me that gets to unveil you once you've walked down the aisle. A promise that one-day Lalisa, you will take my name and claim it as yours. A promise that you will continue to love me the way I do you. A promise that in the future you will be mine, legally and forever. Will you wear this promise ring, and keep to my words as I will. Lisa, I love you, so much. So much that it hurts. So much that I can't possibly love anyone else this way."

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