• chapter 16 •

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Jungkook's Pov

Earlier that day...

"Jungkook-ssi?" I turn my head to Maura, my maid standing in the doorframe to my room, i nod to indicate to her to continue, "We've been notified that your father is returning this afternoon."

Ah yes, no text him directly to me. No communication with his own flesh and blood. No call for his son, no. That would be almost too much effort for him, to so much as tap a few capable buttons on his screen. I'm being silly, of course 'the help' would find out before me.

"With his latest female partner, I assume." She gives me a faint smile, a look of pity but I shake my head and smile back genuinely. Maura has filled the parental roll over that past couple years and cares for me as if I were her own, "Don't feel sorry for me, please. You know I'm really quite used to it."

"We will inform you of his arrival shortly darling, hang tight." She bows and I return the gesture and she proceeds to exit.

Letting my mind wander off, I can't seem to shake off Lisa's words.

"I think you should talk to your father Jungoo, I think you deserve to do what makes you happy"

"Aishhh, this won't end well for me." Either way, something bad is bound to happen. If I hold my tongue, get back on the track team, follow my father's orders, I'll be miserable. If I tell him how I feel... I can rest assured he won't be able to control his temper.

"I get it, but you shouldn't let him stop you."

"Lalisa will you butt out of this argument just for a minute." I can't seem to fault her though, I shouldn't be scared of a man who is barely around, who doesn't care enough to pick up the phone yet I'm letting him dictate my happiness? My future?

I guess I should man up in the way he wants but for the reason, he doesn't.


"Father." I bow as he enters, a female half his age clinging to his arm. He briefly looks around before his eyes land on me. His smile widens slightly, as he releases himself from the claws of the woman to hug me.

It's stiff and uncomfortable and after he lets go he pats my shoulder, as the maids attend to their luggage.

"Jungkook, have you been eating much? Your muscles, they feel, weaker."

Yes, Dad, how have I been? I've been doing great, thank you. My grades? Yes, they have improved, thanks for asking. My health? Oh you know, so so, how about you?

An insult. That was his approach. Those were his words after months of being away.

"Are the Track team not working you hard enough?" He chuckles and the lady on his arm reciprocates.

"I quit." There was an eery silence after I uttered those words, everything was suddenly very still and quiet.

"You...what?" His voice much sterner now.

This was it, it was now or never.

"Can we speak?" I eyed the young lady attached to my Dad's hip "alone."


"What's going on Jungkook? What do you mean you've quit track?" He places his beer in an all too fancy glass, on the coaster on the side table, then relaxing back onto the sofa.

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