• chapter 7 •

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Lisa's Pov

He's not even my boyfriend. Scratch that he's no even my fucking friend.

So then why did it piss me off so much?

But Tzuyu? Really?

Part of me was shocked and that's why I just stood there like a fucking idiot. I didn't have a smart remark or snide comment to say to make myself look like less of a dickhead. In that moment I was just, hurt.

I mean Jungkook and I had not explicitly said we were exclusive but it was kind of an unspoken term. At least that's what I thought.

I don't know whether seeing them together or what he said upset me more. I guess I'd been nervous to have to tell Bambam about Jungkook and I, Inknow Bams very protective of me, so I just brushed him off.

But I didn't have Bambam naked, rubbing him over his underwear, in the fucking guest room of my friends house did I?

I sighed at the insanity of my thoughts, ones that should be directed towards perfecting this routine.

After the girls had left at the end of practice, I decided to stay later. But I was being distracted by a certain boy, running about in my mind. Shaking him off, I pressed play on my phone, and the music echoed through the speaker.

As Cardi B's track resonated through the room, I began the routine. I solely focused on finishing every line of the dance, moving precisely on the beat or lyric. I let all the anger in me deep into my dancing, as I hit each move with more vigour and attack then before.

As the track came to an end I hit my finishing pose, and nearly collapsed from exhaustion.

"Your back is stiff."

A voice came from the corner of the studio. Sitting all high and mighty on one of the chairs in the back corner was the one and only Jeon Jungkook. I hadn't even noticed him walk in.

"You need to loosen up to better the fluidity in your movement." He uttered and I scoffed at the stupidity of the situation.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"It was part of the deal, you tutor me, I help you. I'm set on keeping my word doll." Is this boy dumb or deaf? Or both?

"Well if you'd listen to me earlier Jungkook, you'd have clearly heard me say the deal was off. I'm not tutoring you anymore. And I definitely don't want your help. So you can leave now."

He didn't move, not even a flinch, he just sat there tongue in cheek, sizing me up.

"Why are you so stubborn huh?" He leaned back into the chair. Is this kid alright? Who does he actually think he is.

"Wha- me! Are you just here to insult me, first my dance moves, now my personality, what else is wrong with me Jungkook? Please enlighten me."

"I'm just here to fucking help and you won't even let me!"

"I thought you didn't care about me? You know, telling me 'fuck off' to someone that does! Huh? So what happened, Tzuyu not doing it for you?" I smirk crept onto his face.

"Are you jealous doll?"

"Jealous? Jealous! That isn't even a factor into why I'm angry at you right now. But have it your way, how would you like it if you walked in on me fucking someone that isn't you"

"That's not the same."

"What the fuck do you mean it's not the same!!"

"I didn't even fuck her!" What?

"You want me to believe you and a girl under you in her underwear and you guys didn't have sex! You could've come up with a better lie than that!"

"Well maybe if you'd had taken a second to notice, maybe stop sucking your Thai friend's dick for two seconds, you'd have realised that you were the only person I wanted to be with that night! And when you fucking walked in, yeah I said shit I didn't mean."

"You said I was obsessed with you, god do you know how embarrassing that was!"

"I know and I felt so bad that when after you left I couldn't go through with it. I don't know what I was thinking, she's not you, god no one can even compare to you, so I stopped it all, we never had sex."

"You still kissed her though didn't you," he went silent at that, "Bambam is just a frien-"

"And apparently I'm just your fucking classmate so why are you even mad at me?"

"That's right, you're not my fucking boyfriend, but it still hurt."

"And you think seeing you being all close with another guy didn't hurt me? I got jealous okay? I acted out and I'm sorry."

He walked over and stood in front of me, his eyes were so sincere and I realised I'd hurt him too. He wasn't just my classmate. It's complicated but we were more than that. He'd opened up to me and I enjoyed his company more than I care to admit.

I sighed as I realised how stupid we were both being. Our emotions all mixed and confused when I'm sure we both just wanted the same thing.

"I can't have one guy friend?" I said in a more jokey tone, he sighed a sigh of relief that I'd relaxed and my anger had subsided.

"Not when you looked that good. It wasn't just Bambam, everyone in the room was eye fucking you." I circled my arms around his neck and laughed.

"Oh shut up. You think I didn't notice all the girls who tried to talk to you before you disappeared with Tzuyu."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I went upstairs with her." I just shook my head.

"Was she good for the most part? Was she better than me?" I teased and he laughed.

"Nowhere near as good as you," he whispered in my ear, "you know you're so sexy when you're angry."


"I'm just saying! It's a serious turn on." He bit his lip as he looked at me and I felt a blush rise to my cheeks.

"You look hot when you're mad too." I whisper and he groans and lifts me up, as my legs cinch around his torso.

"Don't go all shy on me now Lali." I laugh and pout and he peppers my face in small kisses. I bury my face into the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry." I say, muffled against his skin

"I'm sorry too."

I lift my gaze to meet him and he leaned in to kiss me. He lightly bit my bottom lip then grazed his tongue over it. Our tongues moved together, and my hands instinctively went to his hair, as he pushed me closer to him.

When we pulled apart his lips were swollen from the kiss, I chuckled slightly.

"How about we start over and take things slow?" I say caressing my thumb over his pink bottom lip, "because I'm starting to think that I maybe really like you."

His lips crack into a wide bunny grin, "I'd really like that. Because I think I maybe really like you too."


All seems well, but it can never stay that way for toooooo long
Then there'd be no story
The video at the top is the routine I envisioned her doing btw
Hope yah liked it
I'm nearly at 200 reads, so thank you so so much
Bye for now :)

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