the talk....

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A/N: new chapterr! yay! :)


chapter 4:

Casey P.O.V:

i walk over to Louis and Liam, they look really concern and a little sad. i whisper in Liam ear "whats up?" "well this morning me and Louis had a very interesting talk." aww shit i thought. "can i see you wrist Casey?" Louis asked. i didnt know what to do. i was like a deer in headlights. Liam took a step towards me. i finched back, i never finch from Liam before. Liam had hurt in his eyes. he kept walking toward me. i was backing up till i hit the wall. damn the wall just had to be there... "Casey show me you wrist-now." Liam demanded with a little anger in his voice. i slid down the wall to the floor. i was now looking up at Liam. suddenly his hand reached down to me. he pulled my sleeve up and gasped. he had tears in his eyes. Louis walked over and gasped to. "why would you do it Casey?" Liam asked. i just sat there not saying a word. "Why Casey?" Liam asked again this time raising his voice. "GOD DAMN IT CASEY WHY?!?!" tears were forming and falling out of my eyes. the next thing he did shocked me. he slapped me. you could tell he regretted it away. " Casey i am so sor-" but i couldnt hear the rest because i ran out the house. i ran and ran. i just had to get away from Liam. he slapped me. the one thing i thought Liam would never do to me he did. i finally stopped running and i sat down. i looked at my surroundings and i was cearly at a park. i was about to get up but then i heard an all to fimaliar voice "hello Casey...." then everything turned black....

Liam's P.O.V

i didnt know why i slapped Casey. i guess i was just upset that she would cut. i am a complete idiot. to make things worst she ran off. Louis ran off after her and i decided to run after her to. i was running then i past a guy holding a girl. i stopped and turned around to look at the guy. he look familiar. i walked behind him and saw the girl he was carrying. it was Casey! "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SISTER BITCH!" i ran up to him. it was.... CHASE! damn what is he doing here! "PUT MY SISTER DOWN CHASE OR I WILL KICK YOUR ASS AND YOU WILL WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!" "o really?" he asked with a smirk on his face. i was beyond piss. i walked up to him and boxed him square in the face. he stumbled but still held Casey. then he pulled out something shiny... it was a knife! he put Casey down then he stabbed her in the stomach! i ran up to him and pounced on him. i kept boxing him everywhere until he was knocked out. i picked up Casey and started running to the hospital. i saw Louis running down the oppisite side of the street. "LOUIS COME HELP ME!" he looked over me and then he laid his eyes on Casey. i had pure terror one his face along with saddness. he ran over and took her away from me. we finally entered the hospital and ran to the front desk. "" i said with tears in my eyes. she looked over to Casey and got other nurses to help her. they wheeled her to some room. i was going to go in but two nurses blocked me. "you cant go in there sir you have to stay in here." "no please thats my sister!" they had to hold me back. louis pulled me to the waiting room and i just broke down. i am a terrible brother. how could of i let this happen. if only i didnt hit her none of this would of happened. i bet she hates me. if anything happens to her i will never forgive myself.

Louis's P.O.V

i know Liam was mad but he didnt need to HIT her! i know he regrets it though. i cant help but feel that this is my fault. if only i didnt tell him about her cuts and confronted her myself we wouldnt be in this mess. i am worried sick. if anything happens to her i will never forgive myself. i didnt even realize that i was crying till Liam came over and said "dont cry Lou this isnt your fault." "i know but i cant stand to see her hurt." "you like her dont you?" "a lot..." "you can date her i guess... but if you hurt her i will have to hurt you and belive me Lou i am not afraid to." "can i just ask one question?" "whats that?" "why did she go mute?" "i will have to explain that later right now isnt a good time." "ok." just then the doctor came out and said "you are here for Casey Payn correct?" "yes we are. how is she?" "Welll........."


A/N: haha cliff hanger im so mean! >:) so why did Casey become mute? is she ok? will she reject louis? i have school tomorrow so i cant update till after school! :( anyway love you guys!!!! <3 

the mute one (louis tomlinson fan) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now