thats enough!

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A/N: hey guys if you havn't already looked i have a new story its called " Me adopted?! By who?? One Direction!! thank guys enjoy! Xx. :) <33


chapter 16:

Racheal's P.O.V

its about 1:00 AM and me and Julia are sneeking out. when we were gone to 'work' we were actually tracking down Jake. turns out he is a murder and has had countless crimes. so we are going to bring him to justice. we dress up in black then leave.

once we get to the spot where he is located we pull out our weapons. its an anbandon house on the corner of King Street. we knock down the door and walk in. " you want to slipt up Julia?" "sure just yell if you find him or you get hurt." i nod my head and i head for the basement.

i was about to leave the basement but something shot my leg. i screamed and Julia came running. she saw who was behind me and she shot them. i looked behind me and it was Jake. Stupid Bastard. shot me in the fuckin leg! how dare he! "Racheal hang in there ok an ambulance is on its way." i started to feel dizzy and i said " call.........Niall." then i blacked out.

Niall P.O.V

i was dreaming about Racheal when my phone was ringing. who the fuck would be calling at this time. i looked over and Racheal wasnt there! where was Racheal! i answered


Hey niall its Juila dont ask questions just meet me at the hospital with the guys got to go bye.

she hung up and i yelled "EVERYONE GET THE FUCK UP WE GOT TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL!" everybody got ready and we went to the hospital.

when we got there i find out that Racheal got shot when they were trying to kill Jake. Juila shot him and killed him but Racheal got hurt first. i dropped to my knees and cried. i couldnt stop. then the doctor came out. i sprange up and asked " How is she?" " well she is....."


A/N: haha cliffhanger! so how do you think will happen to Racheal? well i am dedicating this chapter to PurpleXFreak since i put her character in the hospital. good bye loves till next time! love you guys <33

the mute one (louis tomlinson fan) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now