HE WHAT?! There he is!

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A/N: ok so now that i finished the date chapter i can move on with the story! sorry guys that wasnt a fan of the date but it was guliting me now to write it. BUT now i can continue the story! so who is ready?! i know i am!


Chapter 15:

Casey's P.O.V

i was watching a show and cooking breakfast. i thought i should since the boys and the girls have been the bestest friends ever to me. i was fixing a pancake when arms went around my waist. i smiled "Morning beautiful." Louis said to me. "morning babe." "what are you making?" "breakfast for everyone." i turned around and faced him. he smiled and kissed me. things got heated really fast. "FOOD!" someone yelled. i already knew it was Niall. me and Louis broke apart and i was getting Niall's plate ready when he came down. i sat it down on the table and he dug right in. i giggled and dished for the other boys. "Lou can you go get the boys. i think the girls are going out. something about having to go to work?" he kissed me and went to wake up the boys. to my surprise the girls came down to. "sorry Case." Juila said. "we got to run and get back to work." "ok." i went up and hugged them. i whispered in their ear " stay safe please." they nodded their heads and Julia went to kiss Harry and Racheal went, hugged Niall and kissed his cheek then they left. "alright lads and lady. we need to get ready because today we are going to the park." Liam said. we got up to get ready and leave. (Casey's outfit will be in comments!)

we got to the park and we were playing a game of tag. i was running from Liam when i bumped into someone. "sorry sir." "its ok... sweetheart." i froze. that voice. what he called me. it fears me to say it but its true. it was Jake Carson. i slowly walked backwards and bumped into Liam. he wrapped his arms around me. i finally spoke. "What a-are you doing here? W-why arent you in jail?" "o you didnt hear, i got out. a friend of mine is a cop and got me out." Liam whispered in my ear. "just walk away ok? we will go back to the house and you can have one of the girls watch you." i nodded my head and we walked away. but before we left he said "dont think this is over i will find you and get you." we get in the van and go home. me shaking the whole way.

"HE WILL NOT TOUCH YOU!" Juila screamed. gosh and i thought Racheal was loud. i just finished telling the girls what happened at the park today. Racheal came to me and hugged me. " i will die before he touches you." "thanks Racheal your the best!" "HEY! what about me?!" "you to Jewls!" yep i call Juila Jewls now. i hug her and then the boys walked in. Louis came over and kissed me. when we broke apart i saw Racheal and Niall kissing! "oooo when did htis start Racheal? you didnt even tell me?!" they both blushed red and Niall said "we have been dating since two days ago." "i smiled and then Zayn walked in with a girl? "guys this is Perrie." we nod our heads and pop in a movie.

i look over to see Liam all alone and sad. " im going to sit wiht Liam and tomorrow we are going girl hunting for him."  he nods his head and kisses me. i get up and i sit on Liams lap. we dont find this akward because we always do this. "Hey big brother." "hey Casey. so how do you like it here?" "Love it!!" "thats good." "i love you Liam." " i love you Casey forever and always." "forever and always." he kisses my forehead and i fall asleep on his lap.


A/N: awww arent they cute?!?! i will update soon guys! love you guys thanks for reading <33

the mute one (louis tomlinson fan) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now