wednesday 13:47, eliott

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parallel universes. if they didn't exist, then how could we make the wrong decision? ever? could someone cross over from said universe? how many are there? it's impossible to count, right? it's hopeless. a lot of things are hopeless. why does this eliott need to care so much, if there's just another one doing something completely different? why can't this eliott just...leave?

i shot my head up with wide eyes, a hand mark burning on my back.
i whipped around, to see william, who just five starred me.
"bro what the fuck?" i quickly pulled my shirt away from my skin, flapping a hand to cool it off.
he and chris laughed hysterically, high fiving each other.

"you passed out, man." chris shook his head, before looking back down at his binder.
i rubbed my eyes, and looked around. i was in a classroom. but what class? what time is it?

"what's up with you?" william asked me, trying to catch my eye.
i decided against telling him that i swallowed some random pills i found in lucas' jacket when he stayed over this weekend.

instead, i raised my hand and asked to leave the classroom. without waiting for the teacher's response, i left. i didn't know where i was going, so i  hit the streets and wandered around, following the general path back to my apartment. i think.

—— wednesday 17:38, eliott

i woke up on a bridge. i only knew it was a bridge, because it was my bridge. the one i go to when i want to be alone. usually i find myself under, but i woke up, daring the edge.
instead of jumping back as far as i could from the edge, i looked over. doesn't seem like that bad of an idea right now.

but what about lucas? i don't want to make him feel bad, like it's his fault. so i decided to pull out my phone, and text him "hey". if he responded, i'd tell him how grateful i was.

immediately, it said "read". then a typing bubble, then a text popped up.

lucas lallement:

i felt myself crack a smile, and scooched away from the edge, laying on my back in the middle of the bridge.

eliott demaury:
what are you doing right now?

lucas lallement:
trig homework, ignoring mika's britney spears playlist

eliott demaury:

lucas lallement:
ya, my flatmate. i live with him, manon demissey, and another girl named lisa. emma borgès basically lives here, too

eliott demaury:
oh, she's in my geometry class, emma

lucas lallement:
oh, cool. didn't know that, are you guys friends?

eliott demaury:
we've never really talked. she hangs more around your group, but i'm pretty sure she and chris have something going on

lucas lallement:
oh i know all about that

eliott demaury:

lucas lallement:
wbu? what are you doing?

i cocked my head, looking out over the bridge. i sighed, put my phone in my pocket, and got up. i turned back towards the street, and began the walk back home.
i didn't respond to lucas, but i was fucking glad i texted him.

                          3:46 am

eliott demaury:
i miss you.

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