thursday 17:13, lucas

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  the one thing i noticed that changed since i was outed to my friends was absolutely nothing. nothing changed. everything was the same.

  and i don't know what i was expecting, but i don't think it was that.

  and for that i fucking love my friends.

  i hung out with eliott yesterday, but chris and william demanded his attention today.
  so naturally, i decided to chill with my boys back at the colloc.

  i sat on the floor with my back leaning against arthur's legs, staring at the skinny figures on the screen running around and shooting things with massive guns.
  personally, i never liked playing violent video games. but man, i love watching them.

  basile and yann were sitting on either side of arthur, screaming at him to shoot this or that, while mika sat at the edge of the couch reading with his legs draped over yann's lap.

  see, not many groups of guys are like this. so tight or so chill like this. but mine are. and i don't know how i got so lucky.

  i wasn't smoking any weed, but three of the boys behind me were and the small apartment air was heavily drugged, so there must have been some kind of second hand high.

  this smell, of course, drew manon and emma out of their room to sit on the armchair.

  i did not miss the sweet friendly smile exchanged between yann and emma.
  they dated last year, but decided to remain friends.

  yann's still in love with her but i'm pretty sure he has no chance, considering the fact that i walked in on her and manon making out in her room a few weeks ago.
  they didn't even stop.

  of course, i never said anything. i've been there, so i'm not gonna make them talk about it if they don't want to.

  and, despite the fact that manon was sitting on emma's lap with her fingers in her air, no one else seemed to be suspicious. clueless idiots.

  and i was quite enjoying this moment. this peaceful thought process, surrounded by people i love.

  so when a whole brick came in and shattered my thoughts along with the window, it's safe to say i was taken by surprise.
  especially when it landed on the glass coffee table in front of me, which shattered and collapsed onto my shin.

  i can't explain the pain i felt in that moment. it was like fire crawling up my ankle to my knees, being stabbed in the flesh repeatedly by shards of burning hot knives.
  and under the flesh it was all sore bones.

  but i didn't scream. i didn't make a sound. i looked at the brick and my leg with my eyebrows raised.

  my friends, who had already screamed and jumped back, stared at me, waiting. waiting for a reaction. or a scream, something.

  i stared at the source of my screeching pain, and nodded, finally turning my head to meet the terrified eyes surrounding me.

there were no thoughts in my head, so i screamed.
this allowed them to get over their initial shock.

  "oh my god," mika dropped his hands from his mouth. "oh my god!"

  he ran over, motioning for emma and manon to follow him, and the three of them lifted the shattered coffee table and turned it on its side, out of the way.

  i grimaced in pain as the fire stabbed through again.
  "careful!" i groaned.

  i could speak now.

  yann and arthur quickly wrapped my arms around their necks and pulled me up to stand on one foot.

  i screamed again.

  "IM SORRY!" yann screamed back, right in my ear.

  if i could have rolled my eyes, i would have.

"okay! okay! uh, i'll order an uber! we can take him to the ER!" mika frantically pulled out his phone.

  basile smacked his forehead.
  "call an ambulance, dumbass!"


  instead of protesting, basile decided to drop it and instead pick up the brick.
  his expression dropped when he saw it, but it soon twisted into fury.

  he ran to the hole in the window, and looked out.
  "ASSHOLES!!" he screamed, then chucked the brick out of the hole.

  "cancel the uber, i'll call an ambulance. it'll get us through the streets faster." manon grabbed mika's phone.

  that was the last thing i saw before i finally passed out.

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