friday 1:06, eliott

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  it's been a week since we almost got caught last saturday, and we've spent everyday together since.

  we planned on ditching the parties tonight and just snuggling up in his bed, but then coach sprung another surprise match on us tonight and the team expected me to come hang out with them after.

i didn't want to break it to him, i didn't want to see his face.

  i was considering texting him while at lunch with chris and william, but then i saw him get up from his table and head down the hallway towards the bathroom.

  "um, be right back." i said and dashed off after lucas, ignoring william's question of where i was going.

  i sped up behind him down the hall, and just as we approached the bathroom, i reached out and grabbed his sweatshirt by the hoodie, pulling him in with me.

  "OW! FUCK-" he tugged himself free and started slapping until he saw my face.

  his alarmed expression turned to relief and he put a hand over his heart as if panting, "jesus, eliott. you need to stop doing that."

  i just smiled, and winked.

  then i took his hand off his heart and put it to mine. i reached my hands over to hold his face, and just stare and admire it. my eyes traveled from his eyes to his lips, and finally stopped holding backed and pulled him in to kiss me.

  he laughed, accepting my lips.

  before it got too intense, i quickly pulled away and sighed.

  "what's wrong?" he asked, making his "i want kisses" face.

  i looked down and pouted, avoiding his gaze.
  "coach sprung a surprise match on us tonight. bluebridge. my team wants me to come to william's after and if i skip out then they'll get suspicious. so i have to cancel on our plans tonight."

  he frowned, and his shoulders dropped in disappointment. he leaned into me, completely depending on the support of my body as though his had just given up.

  "i was excited." he mumbled.
  "me too, sunshine." i kissed his head, once again completely engulfed in his hedgehog hair.
  i didn't mind.
  i liked it.
  it smelled like lucas.

  "i'm sorry." i said again.

  he shook his head, "no, it's okay, love. i understand."
  he lifted his head and smiled warmly.

  "i should probably hang out with my boys, anyways, or they'll get suspicious, too." he stood on his tip toes and pecked my lips again.

  i rolled my eyes and grabbed his head, pulling him in for more than just a peck.

  he laughed and threw his arms around my neck, leaning more into the kiss.

  "we'll hang out tomorrow," i pulled away and kissed his nose. "i promise."

  he nodded, with the same "i want kisses face", and pushed himself back into the embraceful kiss. i leaned more back in response, entangling my fingers back into his hair as i love to do.

  but then i heard a sound.
  i heard something go off.
  the sound of a camera.

  i quickly pulled away in panic, looking underneath all the stalls for feet.

  there were none.

  "eliott, what's the problem?" lucas asked, obviously annoyed that i pulled away.

  "someone's in here," i said, turning back to him. "someone took a picture."

  "how do you know?" the panic started to transfer to his face.
  no, no no. i didn't want him to panic. i wanted him to smile again.
  i answered nevertheless, "i heard it."

  lucas rolled his eyes, sighing.
  "oh my god, eliott. you scared me."
  "you're just being paranoid. i swear it. who even has their camera sound on anymore?"

  i took his words in, and processed them.
  he took a step in, and gently placed a hand on my arm.
  warmth spread all throughout my body.

  he was right. i was just being ridiculous. maybe this was just getting to me.
  my heart started beating again, and i smiled back warmly at lucas.

  i entertained my fingers with his, giving it a quick squeeze.

  he went on his tip toes again to give me a quick peck on the lips. then he turned and slipped back out of the bathroom, leaving me there, alone to dream about his soft lips and beautiful eyes...

...or so i thought.

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