monday 9:41 am, lucas

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because nothing ever goes my way and i forgot to set an alarm, i woke up at the time that school had already started at.

eliott was sleeping next to me, cuddled into my embrace. now i call that progress.
until i had to let him go and get out of bed.

he groaned a little bit before turning on his side and covering his face with the covers.
also progress.

i checked my phone, which was spammed with texts from le gang and chris and william, all asking about eliott and where i was and what was going on and all that good stuff.

so i turned it off.

i grabbed the same sweatshirt and jeans i'd been wearing all week before carefully tip toeing out of the room and barely closing the door behind me.

mika wasn't home, so i figured he was at work. and emma and manon were at school. so there was just lisa, all alone, sitting and watching how i met your mother in the couch while eating trix.

"morning, lisa." i grumbled as i poured myself a bowl and sat down next to her.

she looked at me, then at her phone, then back at me, "you're really late you know."

i shoveled a spoonful of fruity sugar into my mouth and shrugged, "whatever. future lucas' problem."

"are you going today?" she asked.

i looked at her, then at my cereal, then at the floor, then at my bedroom door.
i thought about it a little more, weighing each side in my head before finally making my decision:

"good," she returned her focus to the tv screen. "stay in school kids."

i rolled my eyes and shook my head, admiring lisa in my head. she's not the most attentive person or social, but she really is fun to be around if she likes you. and at first she didn't, but she's definitely warming up to me.

i took another bite of my half eaten cereal bowl before rising and dumping the rest out in the sink and rinsing the dish.

i quickly brushed my teeth before peeking at the sleeping eliott once more and slipping out the door to school.

can you take care of eliott for me please? just watch him and keep him safe i guess

yes. okay.

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