monday 9:01 am, eliott

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yo i'm tryna get through this but there's still so much more to the plot like this is just gonna be a long ass book there's nothing else to it lol sorry if you hate it

i stormed down the pathway in front of bluebridge academy.
i had walked all the way from my school to their's.

my mind was blank, completely empty. all it felt was anger.

they wouldn't have started school yet, so everyone would be in the courtyard, which they were.
then i spotted the bleach blond locks of the most entitled boy in all of france: chad collins. aka, the captain of the bluebridge boys rugby team.

he's american but only came here because his rich ass parents have houses all over and he's "taking the experience".

i didn't hesitate or stop to think for even a second before marching up to him in his group of douchebags and pushing him to the ground.
instead of backing him up, his friends backed away.

chad looked up in shock, but his brows furrowed in confusion when he saw me.

"you know you broke his leg?" i cut him off.

he rubbed his head, but remained on the floor. "what the hell are you talking about?"

  "that little stunt you pulled on thursday night. you know, the brick." i grabbed his shirt collar, dragged him up, and pinned him to the wall.

  by now, everyone was gathered in a circle to watch.

  chad threw his hands up in innocence, "dude, don't get so mad! it was just an innocent prank!"

  he shook his head aggressively.
  "there's no way! it was just a brick through the window!"


  he stared at me in horror, his mouth moving but no words coming out.
  i got sick of looking at his face and slammed my fist into it.

  he groaned and lurched forward, holding his face in his hands.
  his friends finally stepped in and pulled me back by my shoulders, but i shoved and elbowed them off.

  i picked him back up from the floor and kneed him in the stomach.
  he made sort of a gagging sound, and held his stomach.

  "happy now, chad? does that make you fucking happy?" i punched his face again.
  everyone was watching, cheering. others were screaming at me.

  chad finally picked his face up, but there was no remorse. or bad feeling. he was smirking. an evil grin.

  "i love it." he snarked weakly.

  a fresh new wave of anger surged through me and i threw him to the ground and started kicking.

  i picked him back up and punched, and kicked, and screaming, and kneed, and elbowed. i had no idea what was going on, only that i didn't stop throwing.

  i couldn't hear anything until the familiar voices screaming my name.

  i got pulled out of my trance by several hands grabbing my wrists and painfully pulling them behind my back.

  i screamed and dipped my shoulder, trying to avoid the pain.

  four hands held my wrists, while a pair of arms wrapped their's around mine and dragged me away from the smirking blond asshole.
  "TAKE HIM TO A FUCKING ASYLUM!" his friend screamed at me, pointing his finger.

  my vision was blurring, and i couldn't make anything out.
  i only recognized voices.
  the voices of william, arthur, basile, yann, and... lucas.
  lucas was screaming at me to stop so much that his voice turned rasp.

  he stood at the street by william's car, but i only saw that through blurred panic.

  "STOP RESISTING, ELIOTT!" yann screamed from behind me, where his hands tightened around my wrists.
  but i didn't.
  i elbowed yann in the chest and wriggled away from william and arthur.

  then i sprinted away.
  they screamed after me, but i kept running.
  i didn't stop.
  i didn't have a destination, but i didn't stop.
  i only went away.

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