tuesday 16:47, lucas

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  i stayed late after school today with eliott in the library. everyone thinks we're chemistry partners, so no one questioned it.

  but his grades were ass. and if he didn't pick them up, he would be kicked off the rugby team. and trust me, no one at this school needs that with the bluebridge championship coming up.

  so i dragged him to the library and made him actually open his algebra II textbook.

but of course, he had other ideas.

the second we walked through the library doors, he slipped his arm around my waist, and pulled me behind the abandoned books bookshelf.

his hands traveled down to my rear, where he pulled me closer to him.

i completely forgot what algebra was.
and then i willingly let him bury his fingers in my hair and push his lips onto mine.

he turned me around quickly, pushing my back against the opposite bookshelf.
however, the shelf rattled and a row of books went flying out.

i snorted, and covered my mouth, staring at the damage...but still finding it absolutely hilarious.

  from the middle of the room, the librarian jumped up and looked around, then began speed walking in our direction.

eliott put a finger to his lips, and grabbed my wrist, quickly dragging me over to the other side of the library before she could reach us.

once in safe distance from her, i gave eliott the hardest smack of his life on the shoulder.
  "dumbass!" i hissed.

he just laughed carelessly and sat himself down on a chair in one of the empty round wooden tables. no one was in this section of the library.

  i hopped up on the table and crossed my legs, settling in the position across from him with enough room for him to put his books.

  i slapped my hand down on the algebra book, "alright, schoolboy. let's get this test studied."

  he laughed and shook his head, which soon slipped into a groan when he realized i was serious.

  i smiled innocently.

  "i think unit 9 starts on page 564, so flip open and read the basic introduction. people say to skip it but if you're struggling it actually helps, trust me." i refocused him.

  he groaned, then did as i said, slumping his cute face on his hand as he read.

  just then, of all moments, my phone buzzed.

lucas, we need to talk

  i ignored it, but he texted again. 

where r u bro????

  i groaned.
  did we have plans today or something?

  eliott quickly looked up, "what's wrong?"
  "hey hey hey," i snapped in his face. "don't get distracted!"

  he rolled his eyes, and swatted my hands away before leaning back into the textbook.

  i figured i would just keep ignoring yann, but he called.
  at first, i declined. i didn't want eliott to get distracted.
  but then he called again.

  i declined again, but sighed as i opened the messages app.

i cant talk right now dude, chill. what's the deal?

where are you????

library. i'm studying. what do you need?

  the typing bubbles popped up, but then disappeared again.


it's better if you come see for yourself.

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