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yo so i just started publishing a new bxb story called "all the lucky stars".

this new story means a lot to me and the description might sound boring but i realllyyy don't wanna see it flop.

it's not a fanfic on anything but an original so i get if you don't want to but if you guys could maybe go check it out and give it a read that would mean sooooooo much to me.


there's a lot going on in fifteen-year-old lochlinn o'callaghann's life right now

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there's a lot going on in fifteen-year-old lochlinn o'callaghann's life right now. between his massive family always finding different ways to get themselves in deep shit, his twin brother's mental state slipping dangerously, his friends pushing him to find a girlfriend, and a million other things, bumping into the school's resident shy kid, ambrose kostapoulos, should not have been his top priority.
however, it was all he could seem to focus on.

when the two boys' feelings turn from random strangers to something more, they find themselves relying on each other to deal with all of the ridiculous bullshit that comes with unexpectedly falling in love.

in the description, it said his twin brother's mental health is slipping and it kind of sounds like i brushed it off in the description, so i would in the story. i'm not. i take mental health very seriously and this is a huge part of the story, so if discussing mental health is a trigger please take caution before reading💓💓


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