wednesday 13:14, eliott

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  that was when i really woke up for the first time.

  i mean, obviously i'd waken up before that but only for like two minutes barely dazed and just gone back to sleep after lucas shoved some food down my throat.

  but i was really awake, sitting up, and feeling better. not all the way, but a little bit.
  i didn't feel like total shit, to put it that way.

i realized i was way ahead of myself when i completely forgot who i was and where i was and what i was doing there.
i knew it wasn't my room but i definently recognized it...and the smell.

it smelled good.
like smiles and warm hearts and lovey eyes.
like everything good in the world, in my world.
it smelled like lucas.

so...i'm in lucas' room...where's lucas?

  i decided then to look at the clock, which told me that he was definently still in school. i knew that if i called him he would come home, so i didn't call him and instead let him enjoy his day at school with his friends. and my friends.

  only after it was too late did i realize that there was someone on the floor at my feet. i realized this when i stepped on her.

  but she didn't even help, i just quickly pulled my foot back and she looked at me like an annoyed cow, then went back to her computer screen.

  "morning, eliott." lisa mumbled.
  i stared at the back of her head which was covered with a hood as she faced away from me, then changed my gaze to the screen when i heard the familiar sound of spencer reid's voice.

  "are you watching criminal minds?" i croaked. i hadn't spoken or drunk in days, guess i underestimated how much that would affect me.

  without speaking, she nodded.

  i sat up in bed and moved over to one side, patting the other side with my hands as a motion towards her.

  she looked at me, then at the screen, then back at me.
  he eyes lingered for a second before she jumped up and plopped down next to me on the bed, placing the computer screen right in between the two of us so we could both watch.

  i cleared my throat so i could focus on the show and not my dry throat, but before i could, she paused it and ran out of the room.

  i tried to call after her, but my throat was too sore.

  i didn't know where she went, but i figured the bathroom. and since i know the basic rules of everything, i didn't resume the show while she was gone. i waited, like a decent human being.

  my mind split for a half second to think about my phone, which i didn't even know where was. but that brought on memories of lucas and blueridge and fucking chad.

  so i decided to push it out of my brain and procrastinate that problem for future eliott to
deal with.

  but before my thoughts went anywhere else, lisa was back with a full gallon of water, a gallon of chocolate milk, chips, fries, and pizza.

  she placed it all behind her computer, easily within any one of us' reach.

  "i ordered food." she said as she popped a fry in her mouth and pressed the space button to resume the show.

  i chugged like half a gallon of water.

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