saturday 9:02, eliott

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eliott demaury:
lucas i have something i really wanna tell you

eliott demaury:
lucas cmon it's exciting

eliott demaury:
lucas where r u??

eliott demaury:
answer me ??

eliott demaury:
what's wrong? did smthn happen?

  i checked the time: it was now 12:54. i sighed, and threw my phone back into my bed.
  what happened? why is he ignoring me?

  i didn't know what to do. i couldn't stand the fact that he was mad at me, that he didn't wanna talk to me.
  i needed advice. professional advice.
  i stood up, walked back over to my bed, and texted the groupchat with william and chris.

eliott demaury:
hey. what are you guys doing rn?
  thankfully, they don't have lives.

william magnusson:
just sent some girl home lol

chris schistad:
i have no idea what i've been doing

william magnusson:

chris schistad:
like...okay. so i woke up at six, right? i don't know what happened in between now and then, but here i am six hours later, right?

william magnusson:

i sighed, and rolled my eyes. i'll never catch a break with these two.

chris schistad:
whatever, will, fuck you. what's up, eli?


eliott demaury:
i need help.

william magnusson:

eliott demaury:
i did something last night. idk if i regret it. well, i don't. but now i'm not sure what it was for. well, i do. but someone is mad at me. well, they haven't told me they're mad at me. but they aren't answering my texts and i don't know what i did wrong.

chris schistad:
i'm not following. is this about mystery girl?

i cringed at the word "girl".

eliott demaury:

chris schistad:
i'm following completely. come over. now.

william magnusson:
lmao i'm already omw. i'm picking you up, eli, be ready

i sighed, staring at my phone. then i got up and headed towards the front.

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