Chapter Two

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**Connor’s Point of View**

My parents act like I am an object. Like they have the power to control everything I do and every breath I take. It’s suffocating, sometimes, to know that no matter how hard you try you’ll disappoint someone. Because to my parents, the word proud has never once rolled off their spoiled tongues.

My mom had just dropped me off for my junior year at the Milton Academy. I begged her to let me go to public school this year – just so I could have a taste at being normal. I knew there was no getting out of this, though. Boarding school was a way for my wealthy, selfish parents to rid their lives of their unwanted child for almost nine months straight. To be completely honest, it’s hard to picture myself living with my parents. That might just be worse than this.

My junior year could have some potential. Hell, I’m almost a senior. It couldn’t possibly be as miserable as my freshman year. I had just gotten my braces on and was still a mere 5’5. I sighed and then stopped to take a look at the campus I’d grown to hate and know too well. Whether I hated it or not, though, it was a nice school. There were a total of nine buildings on campus, with red cobblestones as walkways to each. There are multiple well-kept small gardens and fountains located all over, with the sports fields placed neatly in the back of it all.

I took out my new 2012-2013 schedule and saw that I was living in the dormitory at the very end of the campus – just like last year. It looks as though I’m in for a year of rained-on textbooks and late slips. Sliding the schedule back into my jean pocket, I reluctantly began walking towards the building.

After about ten agonizing minutes, I arrived outside of my room. I had passed a few familiar faces on the way but no one said hello. I silently prayed I’d be set with a decent roommate. My roommate for sophomore year was an utter disgrace to the world of personal hygiene.

Stepping in, I saw that the room was bland and clean, and obviously much unlived in. However, as I stepped in further, I spotted a guy sitting on the top bunk bed. His feet were dangling off the sides and his eyes were just staring idly at the ceiling. I cleared my throat. “Hey, I’m Connor. I think we’re roommates.”

The guy shot up at the sound of my voice and descended from the bunk stairs. I didn’t realize how tall he was – at least five inches taller than me. I think he was in one of my classes freshman year. He had blonde, spiked-up hair, and straight teeth.

“Hey there, I’m John. Nice to meet ya.”

“Same to you. So you want the top bunk, then?” I had been hoping to claim the top bunk this year, based on the fact that last year I was left sleeping low to the floor and aware of every movement my odor-induced roommate made above me.

“If ya don’t mind, yeah.”

I waved him off and threw my stuff onto the lower bed and slowly sat down. With time to really analyze the room, I noticed three tight-packed boxes underneath his one desk. “John, what are those?”

“My computer, TV monitor, controllers, and xbox. I could unpack them now if you want so we could play!”

This year was really off to a good start.

**Peyton’s Point of View**

Holy shit, I thought, as I gawked at the alluring school in front of me. It was gigantic - not to mention beautiful. The building’s shiny black exterior sparkled against the sun, and the courtyards were paved with old-time red cobblestones. There were trees everywhere you looked, and so, so many people bustling about.

Did this many people actually go to school here? My confidence was fading away by the second. Quickly, I reached in my back pocket to see where my dormitory was located. From what it looked like, it was three buildings down from the one I’m facing now in the middle of campus.

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