Chapter Three

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I tried to make this chapter a little more lengthy. Please don't give up on the story yet, I promise the plot will present itself soon. :)))) Next chapter maybe. Let me know your opinion! Please comment, fav, or fan! 

Holy shit, I thought to myself as I saw her. My eyes were locked with a girl across the lawn, her face turned towards me. Was she new here? I think I would have remembered a face like that. She was, to put it plainly, eye-catching. She had long, wavy blonde hair that hung to her waist. Her eyes were round and a violent blue, her skin fair and splattered with light freckles.

Abruptly, she tore her eyes from mine and began walking the way she had come.

Sighing, I shook my head and ran my hand through my brown hair. Everywhere I looked I saw familiar faces – faces I’ve known since the 1st grade. Not one stopped to talk to me, ask me about my summer or just say hello. I was surrounded by strangers in the weirdest of ways.

The only real friend I had here at Milton was Jay Stevens, who wouldn’t be arriving until tomorrow since he lived in Mississippi. I hadn’t seen him all summer long due to the requests of my parents.

I probably looked like an idiot just sitting here, so I began to walk towards the Rec Center. This building has been my haven ever since freshman year. Next to the door was the huge bulletin board where everything you needed to know was posted. Job offers, school news, sports sign-ups, lost dogs, everything. I grimaced as I saw the one paper that would ultimately screw up my junior year. Boys Lacrosse sign-ups.  

I absolutely despised the sport. I’ve played since my freshman year at Milton, but never once have I ever scored a goal, or did anything right as a matter of fact. I was probably one of the worst players on the team. My bitch of a mother though, god, she would kill me if I didn’t sign up. I sighed, remembering last year when I told her I was quitting after I broke my wrist.

“Connor Hockley, I don’t want to hear another word from your fucking mouth, do you understand me? This school is saving you. Do you know how embarrassing it already is that you get low B’s, let alone are awful at your ONE extra-curricular activity? I swear to God if you quit that team you can say goodbye to any hint of a future, young man.”

Wincing at the memory, I scrawled my name onto the sign-up sheet. I may as well have just signed over my life. Suddenly, I felt a hard thump on my shoulder and the sound of laughter. I knew that laugh all too well. I turned around to face the disgusting son of a bitch – Elijah Reed. He just stood there, still snickering. He’d grown taller over the summer, I realized, and now was about my height. He still had that same weird hair color, the color that kind of reminds you of a red leaf in the fall.

“Hockley, it’s been forever man! Did you have a nice summer with your mommy and daddy in that fucking mansion?”

“What do you want, Elijah?” I kept my voice smooth; He wasn’t worth it and I discovered that the hard way.

“Aw come on, let’s be friends again this year, huh? You can’t still be mad at me! After all, you’re going to need my help if you ever want to make it on the lacrosse team again. ‘Cause let’s face it, Hockley, you fucking suck.” His friends and my team mates, Eric and Jacob, burst out in laughter.

“Go the fuck off, Reed. I don’t feel like putting up with your bullshit this year.” Turning on my heel, I began walking back in the direction of my dorm room. I walked swiftly and smoothly, trying to keep myself in check.

From behind I heard, “Oh, I don’t think you have a choice, Hockley,” being shouted across the courtyard.

I decided in that moment that if I were ever to actually hate someone, it would without question be Elijah Reed.

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