Chapter Ten

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Sorry it's been forever. :/ This chapter was REALLY hard to write and took me a long time to plan out. I'll try and upload more frequently. Let me know how you guys like it, and please comment/vote/fan! Enjoy :)

Chapter Ten

 “So how does your knee feel then, Peyton, all healed?” The trainer in the Rec Center was examining my knee, pressing on certain spots to see if I felt pain. It’s been two weeks since the injury and today was the day where we check the progress. If I’m lucky, I’ll be able to get the brace off next week, but I’d still be unable to practice lacrosse.

“Yup, it feels great.” Lie. It felt sore and tight and hurt when I bent it a certain way, but all I wanted was to be able to walk like a normal person again.

“That’s good. Well, then, it looks to me as though you’re healing fine. I’d prefer if you kept the brace on another two weeks, but if you must take it off at all next week, feel free. But I’m sorry, I’m not permitting you to play again until November at the soonest. She reached across and strapped on my black brace. The trainer gave me a pass and then sent me on my way to second period. I had already missed my first class to get my knee examined, which sucked for me because I wasn’t doing so well grade-wise.

I walked slowly out of the Rec Center, testing my knee and seeing how much force I’m able to apply without inflicting too much pain. I was able to put most of my body weight on it now so my limp was barely noticeable. I smiled to myself as I threw my bag over my shoulder and started off towards my next class: Algebra 2 with Mia. My phone then vibrated in my back jean pocket, a text from Connor no doubt.

How did the appointment go?

My smile spread into a full grin. I told Connor last night through text that I had my appointment this morning. It was sweet that he remembered to text me.

I get the brace off next week! I replied, still giddy with the good news. I had my dirty blonde hair in a side braid and was wearing a cozy black jacket that ended just above my knees. The air was becoming even colder each day, it seemed.

The campus was clear and deserted, as if often is, because everyone had already separated into their own classrooms. I sighed to myself, thinking that I’d only been at this school for a month and a half. I felt like I’ve lived here for years. I’ve managed to get my first boyfriend, lose my first boyfriend, tear my ACL, and make two friends in a matter of six weeks. It felt as though my life was on fast-forward, zooming ahead of me before I had time to catch up. Was it really only a month and a half ago I sat on a plane waiting to start my new life in Massachusetts?

My phone buzzed again. Meet me for lunch to celebrate?

I shook my head and giggled to myself, replying ‘sure.’ Something about Connor made my stomach flip every time I saw him. He wasn’t like other guys. For starters, other guys wouldn’t use the ‘celebrate’ in a text message, let alone want to celebrate. Ever since that first day of school when I saw him on the bench I was captured by those chocolaty brown eyes.  I suppose I went out with Elijah just because I could; he made me feel wanted.

I knew I had feelings for Connor; it gnawed at the back of my mind every day. I hated it admitted it. I especially hated admitting it so soon after my breakup with Elijah – did it make me a ho? There was something else there, in the crevices of my head, tugging my confidence back down. It felt as though I had a second person living inside me, constantly whispering in my ear: he doesn’t want you.

I was afraid the voice was right.

Connor’s POV

My mom called me on the phone earlier this morning, just as I was leaving to go get breakfast. Her voice had been small, crackling and quieter than usual. Dad probably cheated on her again.

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