Chapter Fifteen

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*** Peyton’s POV ***

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

Granola Bar (90)

Gum x2 (10)

12 no-salt crackers (74)

Green beans (26)

Small skinny iced mocha (130)

Earl Grey tea with skim-milk (19)

Total: 349

I ate well today, I thought. Ever since Jamie’s accident my diet has been a breeze. I don’t really want to eat. I don’t really need to eat. And therefore, I don’t.

I’ve been back at school now for over a week. Connor and I haven’t spoken once, other than when we ran into each other in the stairwell. I’ve asked to have my seat moved in Spanish class, so I no longer sit next to Elijah. Mia and I haven’t really been talking lately, either. I think she thinks that I’m in some sort of mental crisis, but she’s wrong. There is no crisis. How could there be?

My baby brother is lying motionless in a hospital bed.

I’m not in a mental crisis. I’m just numb.

*** *** ***

“Peyton, get up,” I heard a voice say. There was a nudge on my side. “Peyton, come on, get up!”

“No,” I mumbled, throwing my blanket over my head.

“Peyton, seriously, we’re going to be late to practice. You’ve missed too many already.” Mia’s voice was irritated. I could just picture her right now: hand on her right hip, eyes squinted in frustration with me.

“You go, then, Mia. I’m tired.”

Mia was silent for a little while. I thought she would actually leave, until I felt all of my blankets being torn from my body. The cold air attacked my skin like knives.

“What the hell did you do that for!” I screamed at her. I quickly jumped out of bed to retrieve the blanket, but Mia already shoved it into our closet.

“You have to go lacrosse today, Pey. You’ve missed five practices. Just because you still have that knee brace doesn’t mean you can’t obersve. Coach isn’t going to give you any more sympathy, and you’ll thank for my ass for this later. Now c’mon, get dressed.” 

I glared at my roommate in annoyance. I knew I was hurting her with my cruelty. The thing was, however, I couldn’t find it in me care. Reluctantly, I pulled off my size 3 jeans and replaced them with ill-fitting grey shorts. I then quickly threw on a maroon t-shirt and a sports bra and tied my hair up into a loose bun.

The last thing I felt like doing right was seeing everyone’s pity for me reflect in their eyes. The whole school knew about Jamie now. Somehow the word spread on why I left for Florida last Saturday. Even Elijah tried to tell me he was sorry in Spanish class a few days ago. I didn’t reply.

“You ready?” Mia asked me. She was sitting on the top bunk rubbing lotion on her long, tan legs.

“Yeah, just a second. I have to go to the bathroom.” I half-jogged down the hallway to where the large bathroom was located. From what I could see, it was empty. I walked past the stalls to where the body-length mirror was. I’ve avoided my reflection for the past week, and I figured now was a good time to suck it up. If other people were going to see me in these shorts, I should first.

Sucking in a breath, I opened my eyes. I saw my pale skin – blotchy and white. I saw my large thighs – touching in all the wrong places. I saw my stomach – bulging out and holding more fat than I was hoping. I saw my eyes – sad and blue and filled with water.     

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