Chap 17

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"Some things just make sense and one of those things is you and I, Even after all this time not a day goes by that I'm not into you"
- Jim halpert💕


I freeze as I open the door.

I push him out of the door

"What are you guys doing here!?" I whisper yell at Ranbhir and Arya quietly closing the door.

Arya seemed pretty calm. The look on his face did scare me but also still gave me hope.

"Is it good or bad?" I asked them

It was quiet for a second before Arya speaks

"I saw him.." Arya says.

I take a deep breath. Relief, it washes over me. That's what all of me feels right now. My breathing gets deeper. My hands are shaking lightly.

"Oh my god!" I say

But I dont understand the pain in both their eyes.

"This is the reason I wanted you to come see him for yourself." Ranbhir tells me as he shuts his eyes and creases form on this forehead.

"I don't und-"

"He's in coma" Arya says as his eyes fill with tears.

"What?" Tears pool in my eyes as well. After that horrible incident, I cant expect anything less. I desperately want this to be a lie but knowing he hit his head hard and the accident..

"I.. I'm.. mm, I'm just really thankful and happy that's he's alive. He'll wake up. I know he will" I fumble. I just have to see him.

I look up finally as the lone tear escape my eye. I bink away the rest.

"You can crash at mine if you want Ranbhir. Thank you really." I tell

He looks like he wants to tell more. Like he's having a debate with himself.

" No, no. I have to get back to help mom out." He stutters.

He's definitely hiding something

"What is it?" I ask

He looks at me and Arya.

"Nothing. I was going to tell, you know. But I don't think that's for me to tell. When you come see him, you'll know."

"I'm bringing everyone there tomorrow itself." I say.

Cabir's alive!

I can't believe it. I'm so confused! Should I be happy or sad or mad or relieved or what!?

My emotions are all over the place right now!

Ranbhir leaves saying he has to head back.

Arya looks at me for a second before smiling and giving me a much needed hug.

I hug him back.

"I can't believe it! He's alive!" I say pulling away.

He smiles.

"I know"

I chuckle amd repeat "he's alive"

I repeat. And I laugh. And I repeat again.

Arya's smile gets bigger everytime I repeat it. As though he's still digesting the fact too.

I'm trying to get myself feel the rush of relief.

"Yeah bro. Let's go inside and let tomorrow be a surprise"

I agree as we head back.

I close the door behind me repeating to myself and process that cabirs alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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