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"Bella, Anna," Mom said for at least the millionth time today, "You don't have to do this." I looked into her eyes and smiled.
"We want to go, Mom." I smiled slightly, looking at my big sister. She looked back and nodded.
"We want to go. I want to go." She announced . She has been lying so often about going that it sounded almost believable. Phil drove us to the airport, and Mom hugged us tightly before letting us get on the plane. We sat through the four hour flight to Seattle and got on another small plane for another hour before arriving in Port Angeles. We got off the plane and looked around.
"Look, Izzy! There's Dad!" I screeched, pointing towards a waiting Charlie. He smiled slightly and was leaning against his police cruiser. I grabbed her arm and practically dragged her to where Charlie was standing.
"DADDY!!!" I screeched happily as I practically jumped into Charlie's arms, wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around.
"Hey there, Annie. Hey, Bells."
"Hi Dad."
He smiled slightly as he took my bags and Bella's and put them into the trunk of the police cruiser. Bella got into the front with Charlie, and I sat in the back. Bella was staring out the window silently as we pulled out of the parking lot in the rain. We drove for about thirty minutes in silence before it became unbearable.
"So what all has changed in Forks?" I ask, hoping it was still the same place I loved as a kid.
"Oh, um... not much... just a few new people here and there." Charlie stated plainly.
"Oh...." I say quietly.
"I found a good car for you, Bella." He said.
"What kind of car?" Bella asks suspiciously.
"Well, it is a truck, actually, a Chevy."
"Where did you find it?"
"Jeez, Izzy, are you actually interrogating Dad about a car?" I ask, rolling my eyes as she shoots me a dirty look and sticks her tongue out at me.
"Do you remember Billy Black down at La Push?" He asks.
"No." She states plainly.
"Who?" I ask.
"He used to go fishing with us during the summer. He is in a wheelchair now, so he can not drive it anymore. He offered to sell it to me cheaply."
"What year is it?" I ask, hoping it was relatively new. I could tell by his expression that my hopes were in vain. Bella and Dad continued the conversation as I began to doze off. I was in a room elegantly decorated.
"Mia cara.... Finalmente ci incontriamo." (My dear.... we finally meet) A voice says from behind me. I turn and see three immensely handsome men on thrones. The blonde looks at me and smiles slightly as he rises and is at my side in a second.
"Non hai idea di quanto tempo ti abbiamo aspettato, tesoro mio." (You have no idea how long we have waited for you, my treasure). He whispered huskily into my ear as he placed a feather light kiss to my neck. The other two joined him and began kissing along my neck and my face.
"Wake up, Annie... wake up..." I hear faintly as the three men disappear. I open my eyes and groan.
"What? What's going on?" I ask groggily as sleep clouded my mind.
"Come on, sleepy head, we are home." Bella said. My eyes widen, and I jump out of the car, hitting my head in the process. I grab my head hissing in pain.
   "Calm down there, squirt!" I hear Dad exclaim from the trunk. I giggle and blush. I am known for my clumsiness when I am excited. It took one trip for Bella and I to get our stuff to our rooms. We drop off her stuff first. She got the west bedroom that overlooks the front lawn. Her room consists of a wooden floor, light blue walls, and some yellowed lace curtains around the window. We then took my stuff to my room, which was adjacent to Bella's, and they were connected by a door in the closets. My room consists of a wooden floor, pastel pink walls, and pastel blue lace curtains around my window. My room also overlooks the front lawn.
   I sigh and start unpacking, already missing the sun. Unlike Mom, Charlie doesn't hover and insist on helping you unpack. Once I have finished, I flip on my bed and close my eyes.
   I am in the same room as before, and the three men are there again. I turn and smile at them as they stare in wonder and awe.

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