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   My sister and I arrive home with Edward driving. Today is the day she introduces Edward to Charlie as her boyfriend. When we pull into the driveway we see Billy and Jacob waiting for her. I hop out the truck.
   "I'll be in my room Izzy." I tell my sister. She nods, never taking her eyes off Billy. I turn, walking to the house in hopes of not having to talk to Billy.
   "Hello Anna-Marie." Billy says tensely. I sigh and stop, turning to look at him.
   "Hello Billy." I return, aggravated that he stopped me from making it to my room. He looks at me warily, I never snap at anyone.
   "Do you need something? I have a lot of homework to get done." I sigh. He looks over at my sister who is getting out and walking towards us. He looks back at me with a smile.
   "Not from you, little one." He says. I roll my eyes and unlock the door, rushing inside. I rush up the stairs and throw myself into my room. I take off my backpack and jacket, throwing them aside carelessly.
   I collapse on my bed and close my eyes. After a few minutes of silence I begin to hear their voices.
   "She is close! I can feel it!" Aro cries.
   "I need her here now! I cannot wait forever!" Caius growls. I look around and see a garden filled with flowers. There are roses, tulips, daisies, chrysanthemums, and many other flowers. Marcus turns around and sees me. His face lights up instantly.
   "Mi amor." He says with a smile. Aro and Caius jump up off the bench and run to me. Aro takes my face in his hands and kisses me soft but passionately. Caius is behind me, his hands roaming my sides as he attacks my neck with kisses. I moan softly, making them stop immediately. I whimper at the loss of contact and I realize I'm breathing heavily and begin working on slowing down my breathing. Aro turns his face away from me.
   "The things you do to us Anna." He whispers. I look at him quizzically. Caius reaches from behind and strokes my cheek softly. I let out a small sigh.
"The smallest touch can set fire to my body and soul." I say softly. Aro, Caius, and Marcus chuckle and look at me with awe.
"Annie!" Izzy calls to me, shaking me in hopes of walking me up. I sigh and open my eyes.
"Yes Bella?" I ask.
"Come on... we're gonna play baseball!" She says. I groan and get up.
"Let me get dressed." I say, she nods and walks out the door. I stand up and walk over to my closet. I pull out a pastel blue top and light blue jeans. I get dressed and pull on my white sneakers. I braid my hair in fishtail style. I rush out the room and down the stairs just in time.
"Which one is Edwin?" Charlie asks.
"Edward is the youngest, the one with reddish brown hair." Izzy explains.
"Oh well that's.... better I guess. I don't like the look of that big one. I'm sure he's a nice boy and all, but he looks too... mature for you. Is this Edwin your boyfriend?"
"It's Edward Dad." I say from my spot on the stairs. Charlie looks my way.
"Are you dating one of the Cullens too?" He asks.
"Goodness no. I have befriended them but no. I'm just tagging along as usual." I explain.
"Oh. So when is this Edwin gonna get here?"
"Edward, and in a few minutes." Izzy replies.
"Where are you two going?" He asks suspiciously. Bella and I roll our eyes.
"I hope you're getting the Spanish Inquisition out of your system now." Bella says.
"We're going to play baseball with his family." I say walking up to the table where Charlie is sitting. The doorbell rings and Charlie gets the door.

"Come on in, Edward." Charlie says stepping out the way.
"Thanks, Chief Swan." Edward replies.
"Go ahead and call me Charlie. Here, I'll take your jacket."
"Thanks, sir."
"Have a seat there, Edward." Edward walks into the living room and sits in the only chair leaving Charlie and Izzy on the sofa. I walk into the kitchen and sit at the table, listening.
"So I hear you're getting my girl to watch baseball." Only in Washington would the fact that it was raining buckets have no bearing at all on the playing of outdoor sports.
"Yes, sir, that's the plan." He didn't look surprised that I'd told my father the truth. He might have been listening, though.
"Well, more power to you, I guess."
Charlie laughed, and Edward joined in.
"Okay, enough humor at my expense. Let's go." Bella says walking towards the door. I get up and follow her.
"Not too late, Bell."
"Don't worry, Charlie, I'll have her home early." Edward promises.
"You take care of my girl." Bella groans but and I place a hand on her shoulder.
"She'll be safe with me, I promise, sir."
Bella stalks outside and we all laugh. Edward and I follow Bella.
Izzy and I stop dead on the porch. There is a huge Jeep behind her truck. Its tires were higher than our waists. There were metal guards over the headlights and taillights, and four large spotlights attached to the crash bar. The hardtop was shiny red. Bella and I walk up to the Jeep. Bella is helped by Edward while I am left to struggle getting in. I finally crawl into the Jeep after several minutes of struggling. I see the harness and decide to just do the main two because the rest were too much.
"This is a... um... big Jeep you have." Bella says.
"It's Emmett's. I didn't think you'd want to run the whole way."
"Where do you keep this thing?"
"We remodeled one of the outbuildings into a garage."
"Aren't you going to put on your seat belt?"
"Run the whole way? As in, we're still going to run part of the way?" Bella crys, her voice shrill.
"You're not going to run."
"I'm going to be sick."
"Keep your eyes closed, you'll be fine." He leaned over to kiss the top of Bella's head, and then groaned.
"You smell so good in the rain," he explained.
"In a good way, or in a bad way?" She asks.
"Both, always both." So she's gonna get carried and I'm probably gonna get lost.
"No, Emmett is gonna be there for you Anna." Edward says, answering my thoughts.

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