Meeting The Family

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   It's a Saturday, I'm going with Izzy and Eddie to meet the entire Cullen family officially. I was excited when I woke up, I finally was going to meet everyone! I threw on a light red blouse and a black skirt along with some black flats. Once I was dressed I bounded down the stairs and saw my sister eating a bowl of cereal with her vampire boyfriend, Edward. I can't believe my sister found out after I did, she is usually much more perceptive.
   "Umm, Edward...... I have a quick question. Could you come here?" I ask loud enough for Izzy to hear.
   "Of course." He replies as he got up from the table. "You're wondering about the three men in your dreams?" He murmurs low enough for me to hear.
   "Yeah..." I reply twisting the end of my hair nervously.
   "I think it would be better to ask Carlisle. He knows more about them than I do." He suggests.
   "Okay... I will." I say softly, nodding my head. Edward smiles softly and makes his way back to Bella just as she finishes up. They began talking, not that I was paying attention. My mind began to wander back to Aro, Caius , and Marcus. When would I meet them? Do they already know me? How does Carlisle know them? Am I the only one that gets these visions?
"Okay, I'm decent!" Called Bella, breaking me out of my trance. She was wearing her long, khaki skirt paired with her dark blue blouse. Her hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail. Bella and Edward began talking again so I looked at the clock for a good twenty seconds. When I turn back to them Bella falls to the floor.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?" I call as I rush over to them.
"You... made... me... faint." Bella pants out. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.
"Did you really just faint from a conversation?" I ask.
"No! He kissed me!" Bella screeches.
"So you passed out because of a kiss?" I question.
"No, I forgot to breathe!"
"Only you could forget to breathe." I reply, rolling my eyes as she stuck her tongue out at me. Edward chuckles at our mock argument which in turn makes Bella blush. I smirk as Bella looks at me which makes her blush even more.
"Look, I'm trying really hard not to think about what I'm about to do, so can we go already?" Bella asks.
"And you're worried, not because you're headed to meet a houseful of vampires, but because you think those vampires won't approve of you, correct?" Edward asks incredulously.
"That's right." She replies as Edward chuckles.
"Come on guys. I'd rather get there before dark." I say jokingly. Bella and Edward look at me and smile as we all walk towards Bella's Chevy. Izzy sat in the middle by Edward while I sat by the window. After about twenty minutes of driving we came to a dirt path in the middle of the forest. After a few more minutes of driving we came to an opening, I look to the right and see the Cullen residence.
"Wow." Bella and I say at the same time.
"You like it?" Edward asks.
"It is amazing!" I exclaim.
"It... has a certain charm." Bella says. Edward pulls on her ponytail and chuckles as he parks in front of the house. We got out and walked to the door, he opens the door and Bella and I walk in. Carlisle and a woman who could only be his wife, Esme, walk towards us.
"Hello girls." Carlisle says with a smile.
"Hello Dr. Cullen." Bella and I say at the same time.
"This is my wife, Esme." Dr. Cullen explains gesturing to the woman beside him.
"It is a pleasure to meet you finally, Mrs. Cullen." I say as I step forward.
"Please call me Esme, my queen."
"Queen?" I question.
"She doesn't know yet mom." Edward says.
"Oh... I'm sorry." Esme says, looking at me. I look back confused.
"Where are Alice and Jasper?" Edward asks.
"Hey Edward!" Alice calls from the top of the staircase. I take the time to study the room, half expecting a casket. It is very open and bright. Not at all what I expected. Everything is neat and clean, not a cobweb or casket in sight. The entire room is varying shades of white. I look to the left and see a grand piano on a raised portion of the floor.
"Do you play?" I hear Esme ask. I turn to say no and realize she was speaking to my sister who had looked in the same direction. She shakes her head no.
"Not at all. But it's so beautiful, is it yours?" Esme laughs.
"No, Edward didn't tell you he was musical?"
"No. I should have known, I guess. Edward can do everything, right?" Bella says. Jasper snickers and Esme gives Edward a reproving look.
"I hope you haven't been showing off—it's rude," she scolds.
"He's been too modest, actually," Bella corrects. I stand there slightly awkward.
"Well, play for her," Esme encourages. I make my way around the group to Carlisle and Esme.
"Yes Anna?" Carlisle asks. I look towards him and his wife who are both now staring at me.
   "I have a few questions and I was wondering if you could answer them."
"Come with me to my study dear one, is there something bothering you?" Carlisle says as he motions for me to follow. I walk beside him as we go up the stairs.
"I've been having dreams and visions of three men. The same ones each time. They go by the names Aro, Marcus, and Caius. Edward said to speak with you about it." He stopped in his tracks when I mentioned their names.
"What do you know of vampires, Anna?" He asks as he begins walking again.
"Not much." I reply as he open the door and I step inside.
"The men you dream about. They are a part of the Volturi." He says.
"The what?"
"The Volturi." He repeats gesturing to a painting with Aro, Caius, and Marcus.
"That's them!" I exclaim as he smiles softly.
"Yes, they are the Volturi. They are the vampiric world equivalent of royalty. You are mated to the three of them."
"Mated?" I ask.
"You are the soulmate of the three and the queen of the vampire world." He explains. I gasp in shock. Queen? I am a queen? Why am I mated to them?
"You have questions I'm sure." He says looking at me curiously.
"Do they know about me? Where are they? When can I meet them?" I ask quickly.
"No, they do not know of you. They reside in Italy. As for when I'm not sure." He answers. I nod understanding.
"How do you know of them?" I ask.
"I lived with them for a time in my younger centuries." He replies.
"What are they like?"
"Aro, is what one could call the leader of the kings. He is excitable, ambitious, and very...... hospitable when he chooses to be. He has a gift, as we call it. Something that, in a way, makes him special."
"What is his gift?"
"He can see every thought you have ever had from one touch." Carlisle explains. I gasp softly. Everything I've ever thought? Every memory?
"What about Marcus?"
"Marcus, He is the silent king. He is fair, and gives the benefit of the doubt. He has a gift as well. He can see bonds between people." I nod.
"And Caius?"
"Caius, is the more violent of the three. He enjoys seeing people who have done wrong punished and is very passionate about keeping the world in line. He does not possess a gift of any sort."
"They sound amazing..." I say as I look at the painting once more. I look down at my watch for the time and gasp. I have been here for thirty minutes already.
I thank him for his time and information and turn to walk out the door when Edward and Izzy come in.
"Oh.... I didn't realize you were in here." Izzy says.
"Actually I was just about to go visit Alice.... any idea where she might be?" I ask. Edward looks thoughtful for a moment before looking at me.
"She is outside."
"Thank you Edward." I say as I walk out the door. I have just reached the bottom step when Alice appears in front of me.
"Come on, Rose is waiting outside for us." She says in a cheerful manner." I smile and walk outside with her. We sit and talk about our favorite clothing stores, the best colors to pair, and what to wear for different occasions. By the time I checked my watch, I had been at the Cullens for a little over an hour. Soon I hear my sister calling for me.
"Annie! Come on! It's time to leave!"
"Is it time already Izzy?" I ask getting up.

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