First Day of School

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"Come on, Anna! Time to wake up!" I hear Bella mumble as she shakes me. I groan and turn over just as my blanket is ripped from my body.
"Okay, okay, I am coming." I groan as I sit up and get off the bed. I rub my eyes and shuffle to the closet to grab some clothes. I pick out a pastel pink top and pastel blue skirt. Along with a pair of thick white leggings and white sneakers. I take my clothes to the bathroom and take a shower. Once I have dried my hair, I get dressed and fix it.
I look nothing like my sister or my family. I have long blonde hair and beautiful baby blue eyes. I prefer light colors while my sister prefers darker ones. I have a bohemian style while her style is "just throw on whatever." I step out of the bathroom and rush down to get some breakfast. I pour a bowl of cereal and rush through it. I put it in the sink and rinse it out, and grab my bag before stepping outside and see my sister standing by the truck.
"Come on, Princess!" She calls jokingly. I roll my eyes and smile. She never jokes with anyone but me. We get into the truck and drive to school in silence. A million questions are running through my mind. Who will I become friends with? Will I have the same classes as Bella? Will we find people we like? Will there be people who like us?
We park in front of a building with the letters FRONT OFFICE on the front. I giggle slightly at the thought of new people. Unlike my sister, I am a people person and make friends easily. Bella and I step out of the truck and make our way through the drizzle to the office. Thank God I chose to wear my white raincoat. We make our way inside to a small, brightly lit office waiting area. It has small folding waiting chairs and an orangish carpet. It is not very pretty.
"Can I help you two?" We hear a voice say. I turn towards it and see a rather large, red-headed woman at the desk.
"Yes, Hello. Anna-Marie and Isabella Swan?" I answer back.
"Ah yes. The Swan sisters," She digs through a stack of papers until she finds what she was looking for. "Here are your schedules and maps of the school." She says as she handed them to us.
"Hey, we have the same classes!" I exclaim on the way back to the truck.
"Good, I don't know what I would do if we weren't together." She replies with a slight smile. I look around, noticing the other students arriving. Bella parks near the entrance, and we make our way to the first class. We sat in the very back and looked over our reading lists. It seemed like only five minutes later when the bell rang and a guy came up to us.
"Hey, Isabella and Anne-Marie, right?" He says.
"Just Bella."
"Just Annie."
He showed us around and told us where each building was and what classes were there. When we got to Trigonometry class Mr. Varner made Bella and I stand in front of the class. She went first and stuttered and blushed after every other word. After she sat down, I started.
"Hello, My name is Anne-Marie. I'm the younger twin... well, fraternal twin of Bella. We just moved here from Arizona. I hope to get to know at least some of you!" I explain with a smile. I walked to the back where Izzy sat and sat by her side. Soon, it was off to lunch. I follow Bella and her new friend over to their group. I look around and see five people staring at Bella and I. They are too gorgeous to be normal people.
They don't look anything alike. Of the three boys, one was big—muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair. Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular, and honey blond. The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair. I nudge Bella with my elbow. She turns and looks back at them, too. I hear her and Jessica begin to talk and find out the names of them
"I think the small one likes you." I whisper to her.
"Shut up, Annie!" She whispers back with a smile. After lunch, we made our way to biology, where we were separated. Bella sits by Edward, and I sit by some guy I do not care to know. Edward acts really weird the whole time. Covering his nose, leaning away from Bella, somewhat glaring at her. What was his deal?

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