Boyfriend Material

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   It's been a few days since we started at Forks High School and I have managed to make friends with Rosalie Hale and Alice Cullen. I sit with them almost everyday and Emmett and Jasper seem to like me as well. The only one that seems a bit wary of me is Edward. He keeps staring at me with a look of surrender and fear as if I am his superior. It puzzles me.
My sister and I are standing by her truck talking about the biology project when suddenly a high pitched screeching sound rings out. The Cullens looked over in horror as Tyler's van comes barreling towards us and starts to fishtail. Suddenly the van stops and Bella and I are pulled to safety. Then everyone comes running towards us crying out a symphony of Bella's and Annie's. I hissed holding my head in pain.
"Izzy? Izzy?!" I screeched frantically. I felt a hand grab mine.
"Right here Annie." She replied calmly. I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Annie? Are you okay?" I hear Alice's musical voice ring out.
"Are you okay, Annie?" Rosalie repeats.
"I don't know. It feels like my head is splitting in two." I cry, holding my head as a searing pain ripples through my head.
"We need to get her to Carlisle now!" Exclaims Alice.
"We'll take her!" Says Rosalie. I feel myself getting picked up as the talking grows fainter and fainter. Everything begins fading into black and is replaced by a bedroom with black and red interior. I am surrounded by the three men from before.
"Ti voglio bene mio caro." (I love you my dear) said the blonde.
"Non vediamo l'ora di conoscerti mia cara." (We cannot wait to meet you my dear) said the tall brunette. I smile softly.
"Who are you?" I ask softly. All three gasp slightly at the sound of my voice, soft and sweet like warm honey.
"I am Marcus." Says the tall brunette.
"I am Aro." Says the shorter raven haired man.
"I am Caius." Says the blonde.
"We are your mates." Says Aro. I look at all three of them and realize that they all have red eyes.
"You must wake now my sweet." Says Aro.
"Do not fret." Coos Marcus as he strokes my cheek, seeing the fear in my eyes.
"We will meet again soon my love." Caius says softly as he kisses my forehead.
"Anna..... Anna..... Anna...." I hear my voice being called repeatedly as I begin to wake.
"She's waking up!" I hear someone call. I groan and open my eyes slowly.
"Annie!" I hear dad call as he cups my face in his hands. "Are you okay baby?! I was so worried about you!"
"Dad?" I whisper hoarsely.
"Annie!" I hear Bella call.
"Dr. Cullen! Dr. Cullen!" My dad calls. Soon a blonde, rather gorgeous, doctor walked in.
"Annie? How are you feeling?" He asks as he shines a doctors flashlight in my eyes.
"A little confused honestly." I answer. "How long have I been out?"
"You've been in a coma for about a week now." He replies gently .
"A week? I've been out for a week?" I question softly fearing how loud my voice would be. Dr. Cullen looks me over and decides that I am no worse for wear. They wheel my out in a wheel chair and I see Alice talking to Edward who's arm is around Bella.
"Izzy?" I call to her. All three turn towards me with questioning looks.
"Yes Annie?"
"Are you sure he's boyfriend material?" I ask with a grin.

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