A New Way Of School

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The next day I decided to approach Charlie about school. He is sitting in front of the tv with his cup of coffee and one of the donuts I made last night. I giggle slightly and snap a picture with my phone.
"Hey dad?" I call to him from the entrance to the living room. He looks over to me and smiles.
"Morning sunshine." He chuckles.
"So I was wondering..." I started.
"Just spit it out." He says shaking his head.
"I want to finish my schooling online. So that I don't have to deal with Isabella and Edward." I say with an exasperated tone. He looks at me softly but sadly. He knows how hard it is for me to even be around Bella now.
"Of course, but you have to promise to keep up with your school work." He says sternly. I nod eagerly.
"I promise dad. Cross my heart." I say crossing my heart. He smiles and nods. Then Isabella comes racing down the stairs with her school bag.
"Bye dad see you after school! Come on Annie!"
"Annie will not be returning to Forks High. She's doing her work online." Dad says.
"What?! First she gets to have friends over and now this?!" She screeches, enraged. Jane races down the stairs and grabs my hand and smiles.
"If it is alright with you Mr. Swan, I would like to help Annie with her schools work while we visit Mrs. Cullen ?" She asks like a little angel. Charlie open and closes his mouth and then nods. Bella runs out to her truck in a rage and slams the doors, peeling out." I pull out my phone and walk up the stairs dialing Esme's number.
"Esme Cullen." She answers.
   "Hey Esme, it's Annie."
   "Oh, hello Annie. What can I do for you?"
   "I was wondering if the guard and I could come over to your house. I have school work to do and I don't want to really be alone." I say.
   "Of course! I can help you with anything you need!" She exclaims happily. I smile.
   "Thank you, I will be right over." I get dressed in a pale yellow dress with white sneakers. I tie my hair back in a ponytail and race down the stairs with Jane at my side. I grab my laptop that Aro sent the day after I got home.
   "Bye Dad! I'll be home before dinner!" I shout as I run out the door to Jane's car with her and her "brothers" on my tail. "SHOTGUN!" I call out jumping into the passenger seat. We drove out to the Cullens home to see a car that I don't recognize. I cock my head in confusion and climb out of the car, walking up to the door. Once I am inside I walk upstairs to the living room and see one of my favorite people in the entire world standing talking to Carlisle. Even with his back turned to me I know who it is just from his form. He's tall but well built with light brown hair falling in waves to his shoulders. Carlisle looks over to me and smiles.

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