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Namjoon hates it when he has to kill alone. It is better when BTS members are covering his back but Namjoon is leader so he has the biggest responsibilities which means that he has to kill many people. Like this man in front of him. Chen Park.

He worked for them as an informer, he is a police detective and it was good to have someone inside the police until Namjoon found out that he is playing it on both sides. He had no problem with taking money from mafia and also causing problems to them. Now his punishment has to come.

"Please ...... I was loyal! Someone told you lies about me!"

The police detective is begging Namjoon on his knees and cries. Namjoon is disgusted by this pathetic worm. He pressed head of his gun to the Park's forehead and he is about to pull the trigger when something caught his attention.

On opposite side of the room is gap between doors and door frame and Namjoon feels that something is there. He hit the detective with his gun so strongly that he lost consciousness. Namjoon takes few long steps and opened the door. The room is empty but then Namjoon hears soft sob. There is only mattress laying on floor with blanket and almost ruined pacifier. In corner is standing wardrobe and Namjoon slowly walked to it. He lifted his gun and opened the door in one quick move. Inside is hidden boy who started to sob hysterically.

"Dont hurt Tae!"

The boy is shielding his head with his lanky dirty arms. Namjoon suddenly feels like a scumbag. He scared this poor boy with deer like eyes and feels so dirty for doing it.

"Hey, I wont hurt you."

The boy is looking at Namjoon and now cries not so much as before.

"Who are you?"

Namjoon smiled at the boy to show him that everything is okay.

"Taehyung. What did you do to my daddy?"

Namjoon is shocked by the nickname and quickly came with a lie.

"Nothing. We were just talking about adult's things."

Taehyung is looking at him and Namjoon sees that the boy is in bad shape.

"Can you tell me what are doing here?"

Taehyung shrugged and starts to suck on his thumb. Namjoon thinks about giving him the pacifier but it looks disgusting.

"Daddy told me to not show up."

"Did your daddy do this to you?"

"Yes because Tae is a s..slut."

Namjoon frowned and stroked Taehyung's hair. Taehyung flinched away but then leaned into Namjoon's warm palm.

Suddenly they hear groaning from the next room and Taehyung's daddy appeared on threshold.

"I stayed in my room!"

Taehyung closed his eyes and protects his head because he is going to be beaten again. Namjoon turned to the man and pressed his gun to the detective's forehead. Namjoon pulled the trigger and this rat fell on ground with hole in his forehead.

"Tae don't open your eyes, okay?"

Namjoon lifted the boy and carries him out of that room. Taehyung is crying and his body is shaking in fear. They are standing in front of the house and Namjoon put Taehyung down.

"You probably don't have a place to stay, am i right?"

Taehyung nodded.

"Well if you want you can go with me."

Taehyung smiled because he likes this man. He isn't yelling or kicking him but opened door of his car and let Taehyung inside.

"Now let's go home."

Namjoon smiled at the boy and Taehyung smiled widely back at him. He wishes to find a place which he could call home with such gentle daddy. 

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